commit 22673811164a583dbeaf38ecdccb65db7b23515f
parent e00e074d247f301ab26b6bafca3690696b29b65c
Author: René Wagner <>
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2023 10:18:13 +0200
apply alias to lensmaker as well
2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
diff --git a/phosta b/phosta
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ sub validate
my @group_params = ('year', 'month', 'week', 'hour');
!defined($opt_g) || grep /$opt_g/, @group_params or return 0;
- my @select_params = qw(file maker model lensmake lens aperture exposuretime iso focallength focallength35mm);
+ my @select_params = qw(file maker model lensmaker lens aperture exposuretime iso focallength focallength35mm);
if (defined($opt_s)) {
foreach (split (/,/, $opt_s)) {
my $val = $_;
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ sub create_db
my ($dbfile) = @_;
my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, '', '', { RaiseError => 1 }) or die $DBI::errstr;
- my $stmt = 'CREATE TABLE photos (file TEXT PRIMARY KEY, maker TEXT, model TEXT, lensmake TEXT, lens TEXT, focallength INTEGER, focallength35mm INTEGER, aperture DECIMAL, exposuretime TEXT, iso INTEGER, flash TEXT, datetimeoriginal DATETIME);';
+ my $stmt = 'CREATE TABLE photos (file TEXT PRIMARY KEY, maker TEXT, model TEXT, lensmaker TEXT, lens TEXT, focallength INTEGER, focallength35mm INTEGER, aperture DECIMAL, exposuretime TEXT, iso INTEGER, flash TEXT, datetimeoriginal DATETIME);';
!$opt_v or say "### DB Statement: $stmt";
my $rv = $dbh->do($stmt);
@@ -176,11 +176,12 @@ sub populate
my @line = split(/#/, $_);
map { s/^\s+|\s+$//g; } @line;
- my ($file, $maker, $model, $lensmake, $lens, $lensmodel, $fl, $fl35, $apert, $exposuretime, $ss, $iso, $flash, $datetimeoriginal) = @line;
+ my ($file, $maker, $model, $lensmaker, $lens, $lensmodel, $fl, $fl35, $apert, $exposuretime, $ss, $iso, $flash, $datetimeoriginal) = @line;
my @forbidden_content = ('Unknown', 'N/A', '', '-');
- if (!defined($maker) || $maker ~~ @forbidden_content) { $maker = '-'};
+ if (!defined($maker) || $maker ~~ @forbidden_content) { $maker = '-'};
if (!defined($model) || $model ~~ @forbidden_content) { $model = '-'};
- if (!defined($lens) || $lens ~~ @forbidden_content) { $lens = $lensmodel };
+ if (!defined($lensmaker) || $lensmaker ~~ @forbidden_content) { $lensmaker = '-' };
+ if (!defined($lens) || $lens ~~ @forbidden_content) { $lens = $lensmodel };
if (!defined($lens) || $lens ~~ @forbidden_content) { $lens = '-' };
$apert = ($apert ne '-') ? sprintf("%.1f", $apert) : $apert;
$fl = ($fl ne '-') ? sprintf("%.1f", $fl) : $fl;
@@ -190,13 +191,14 @@ sub populate
foreach (@aliases)
- $lens =~ s/@$_[0]/@$_[1]/;
$maker =~ s/@$_[0]/@$_[1]/;
$model =~ s/@$_[0]/@$_[1]/;
+ $lensmaker =~ s/@$_[0]/@$_[1]/;
+ $lens =~ s/@$_[0]/@$_[1]/;
- my $stmt = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO photos (file, maker, model, lensmake, lens, focallength, focallength35mm, aperture, exposuretime, iso, flash, datetimeoriginal)
- VALUES ('$file', '$maker', '$model', '$lensmake', '$lens', '$fl', '$fl35', '$apert', '$exposuretime', '$iso', '$flash', '$datetimeoriginal')";
+ my $stmt = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO photos (file, maker, model, lensmaker, lens, focallength, focallength35mm, aperture, exposuretime, iso, flash, datetimeoriginal)
+ VALUES ('$file', '$maker', '$model', '$lensmaker', '$lens', '$fl', '$fl35', '$apert', '$exposuretime', '$iso', '$flash', '$datetimeoriginal')";
my $rv = $dbh->do($stmt) or $errorcount++;
@@ -456,14 +458,14 @@ sub main::HELP_MESSAGE
say ' -g <period> : group by a time period, defaults to total (which means no grouping by period)';
say ' allowed values: year, month, week, hour';
say ' -s <fields> : specify the information you want to select, defaults to none (just show number of images)';
- say ' allowed values: file, maker, model, lensmake, lens, aperture, exposuretime, iso, focallength, focallength35mm';
+ say ' allowed values: file, maker, model, lensmaker, lens, aperture, exposuretime, iso, focallength, focallength35mm';
say ' multiple fields should be listed comma-separated without whitespaces';
say ' -t <range> : only take images into account which have been taken in the given timerange';
say ' <range> must be specified as \'YYYYMMDD-YYYYMMDD\', you can omit the first or the later value';
say ' -f <expr> : filter images based on the given expression, multiple expression can be given comma-separated';
say ' this works as a case-insensitive search, multiple expressions need to match all (AND logic)';
say ' use "field=value" for CONTAINS and "field!=value" for NOT CONTAINS';
- say ' allowed fields: file, maker, model, lensmake, lens, aperture, exposuretime, iso, focallength, focallength35mm';
+ say ' allowed fields: file, maker, model, lensmaker, lens, aperture, exposuretime, iso, focallength, focallength35mm';
say ' -n <number> : limit the resultset to <number> of lines';
say ' -o <fields> : sort your output by the given fields (sequence matters!) in descending order';
say ' allowed values: any comma separated combination of the values of -g and -s param and \'count\'';
diff --git a/phosta.1.scd b/phosta.1.scd
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ What data you are going to see is specified by the *-s* param. urrently the foll
- file
- maker
- model
-- lens maker
+- lensmaker
- lens
- aperture
- exposuretime