
MNT Reform: Open Source Portable Computer
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.gitlab-ci.yml (3347B)

      1 image: debian:unstable-slim
      3 build:
      4   artifacts:
      5     paths:
      6       - reform2-keyboard-fw/keyboard-2.hex
      7       - reform2-keyboard-fw/keyboard-2-standalone.hex
      8       - reform2-keyboard-fw/keyboard-2_US.hex
      9       - reform2-keyboard-fw/keyboard-2_US-standalone.hex
     10       - reform2-keyboard-fw/keyboard-3.hex
     11       - reform2-keyboard-fw/keyboard-3-standalone.hex
     12       - reform2-keyboard-fw/keyboard-3_US.hex
     13       - reform2-keyboard-fw/keyboard-3_US-standalone.hex
     14       - reform2-keyboard-fw/keyboard-3_NEO2.hex
     15       - reform2-keyboard-fw/keyboard-3_NEO2-standalone.hex
     16       - reform2-trackball-fw/Mouse.hex
     17       - reform2-trackpad-fw/Mouse.hex
     18       - reform2-trackball2-fw/build/reform2-trackball2-fw.uf2
     19       - reform2-lpc-fw/firmware-20_R3.bin
     20       - reform2-lpc-fw/firmware-25_R2.bin
     21   script: |
     22     set -x
     23     apt update
     24     apt-get --no-install-recommends -y install ca-certificates git build-essential avr-libc gcc-avr gcc-arm-none-eabi libnewlib-arm-none-eabi libstdc++-arm-none-eabi-newlib libusb-1.0-0-dev cmake python3 
     25     # use the timestamp of the latest git commit to set reproducible S_D_E
     26     if [ -z ${SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH:+x} ] && git -C . rev-parse 2>/dev/null; then
     27       SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=$(git log -1 --format=%ct)
     28     fi
     29     export SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH
     30     # check if the current commit is tagged or otherwise use the git hash
     31     if git describe >/dev/null 2>&1 && [ "$(git describe --abbrev=0)" = "$(git describe)" ]; then
     32       VERSION="$(git describe --abbrev=0 | tr -d -)"
     33     else
     34       VERSION="g$(git rev-parse --short=7 HEAD)"
     35     fi
     36     for variant in 2 2_US 3 3_US; do
     37       make -C reform2-keyboard-fw REFORM_KBD_OPTIONS="-DKBD_VARIANT_$variant -DKBD_FW_VERSION=\\\"$VERSION\\\""
     38       mv reform2-keyboard-fw/keyboard.hex reform2-keyboard-fw/keyboard-$variant.hex
     39       make -C reform2-keyboard-fw clean
     40       make -C reform2-keyboard-fw REFORM_KBD_OPTIONS="-DKBD_VARIANT_$variant -DKBD_MODE_STANDALONE -DKBD_FW_VERSION=\\\"$VERSION\\\""
     41       mv reform2-keyboard-fw/keyboard.hex reform2-keyboard-fw/keyboard-$variant-standalone.hex
     42       make -C reform2-keyboard-fw clean
     43     done
     44     make -C reform2-trackball-fw
     45     make -C reform2-trackpad-fw
     46     cd reform2-trackball2-fw
     47     ./
     48     cd ..
     49     make -C reform2-lpc-fw lpcrc
     50     for rev in 20_R3 25_R2; do
     51       make -C reform2-lpc-fw REFORM_LPC_OPTIONS="-DREFORM_MOTHERBOARD_REV=REFORM_MBREV_$rev -DFW_STRING3=\\\"$VERSION\\\""
     52       mv reform2-lpc-fw/bin/firmware.bin reform2-lpc-fw/firmware-$rev.bin
     53       make -C reform2-lpc-fw clean
     54     done
     55     md5sum reform2-keyboard-fw/keyboard-*.hex reform2-lpc-fw/firmware-*.bin
     56     # assure that the latest git tag is reflected in the code
     57     if git describe >/dev/null 2>&1; then
     58       grep --quiet "#  define KBD_FW_VERSION \"$(git describe --always --tags --abbrev=0 | tr -d -)\"" reform2-keyboard-fw/constants.h
     59       grep --quiet "#  define FW_STRING3 \"$(git describe --always --tags --abbrev=0 | tr -d -)\"" reform2-lpc-fw/src/boards/reform2/board_reform2.c
     60     fi
     61     # assure that the latest git tag is reflected in top
     62     if git describe >/dev/null 2>&1; then
     63       head -1 reform2-keyboard-fw/ | grep --quiet "^### $(git describe --always --tags --abbrev=0)"
     64       head -1 reform2-lpc-fw/ | grep --quiet "^### $(git describe --always --tags --abbrev=0)"
     65     fi