
A collection of awesome things regarding the gemini protocol ecosystem.
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commit 5d13e9e98c37057bf61e8f46fa05113c801205e7
parent 4891263efe39d74460c25d567b513088ea781bf0
Author: Dr. Mike Marin <>
Date:   Wed, 14 Apr 2021 16:39:23 -0700


Added two new tools
Diffstat: | 3++-
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/ b/ @@ -184,7 +184,8 @@ Repo mirrors: - [md2gemini]( (Python) - converter from Markdown to the Gemini text format. - [spacewalk]( (Go) - Page-hash based feed aggregator for gemini. - [MastoGem]( (Go) - Mastodon proxy for Gemini. - +- [Hugo-2-Gopher-and-Gemini]( (Python) - A Hugo theme to convert a Hugo site to Gemini or Gopher. +- [Gopher-and-Gemini-Walker]( (Python) - Terminal client (without network connectivity) to navigate a folder structure containing a Gemini capsule or Gopher hole. ### Syntax Highlighting - [gemini-vim-syntax]( - text/gemini syntax highlighting for vim.