
A collection of awesome things regarding the gemini protocol ecosystem.
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commit cb0a0a84ad697fb4dc5ce23c599da14620e87387
parent c59db3aee33556e0abb3798a2984a78f75a7462f
Author: Krispin Schulz <>
Date:   Thu, 11 Feb 2021 12:39:05 +0100

Add gmi2html to tools
Diffstat: | 7++++---
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/ @@ -138,21 +138,22 @@ Repo mirrors: ## Tools +- [CAPCOM]( (Python) - Atom feed aggregator for gemini. - [gemini-pandoc-lua-filter]( (Lua) - a lua filter for pandoc to output Gemini text. - [gemini-to-html]( (Node.js) - a JavaScript library for parsing Gemini pages, and for rendering them to HTML. - [geminize]( - a Firefox addon that redirects gemini:// URLs and links to a customizable HTTP-to-Gemini proxy. - [gem.git]( (Python) - git frontend CGI script. - [gloggery]( (Go) - basic static site generator for blogs in Gemini. - [gmitohtml]( (Go) - a proxy that renders Gemini pages using HTML. +- [gmi2html]( (Zig) - A tiny gemtext to HTML converter with a focus on performance. - [gmi-web]( (JS) - generate _semantic_ HTML styled for readability and mobile-friendliness. - [gmnhg]( (Go) - renders a Hugo site to a Gemini site. - [kiln]( (Go) - a simple static site generator for Gemini sites. +- [Lupa]( - A crawler to explore the geminispace and make statistics (you can see them at __gemini:// ) +- [Manisha]( - A Nagios (and compatible, such as Icinga) plugin to monitor Gemini servers - [md2gmn]( (Go) - renders Markdown text to Gemini pages. - [md2gemini]( (Python) - converter from Markdown to the Gemini text format. - [spacewalk]( (Go) - Page-hash based feed aggregator for gemini. -- [CAPCOM]( (Python) - Atom feed aggregator for gemini. -- [Manisha]( - A Nagios (and compatible, such as Icinga) plugin to monitor Gemini servers -- [Lupa]( - A crawler to explore the geminispace and make statistics (you can see them at __gemini:// ) ### Syntax Highlighting