my personal gemini capsule
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commit 507436139676ae3d1fb4e005e8935f4a521e861b
parent 25092bbd3b288f40af3bb76ad5c1092b998a8b35
Author: René Wagner <>
Date:   Sat, 24 Jul 2021 16:42:37 +0200

split english and german content to different subdomains

Darchive.gmi | 100-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Darchive_2020.gmi | 59-----------------------------------------------------------
Dcgmnlm.gmi | 84-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mde/archiv.gmi | 4++--
Mde/cbfunk-codes.gmi | 2+-
Mde/cbfunk-kanaele.gmi | 2+-
Mde/cbfunk.gmi | 2+-
Mde/index.gmi | 21+++++++--------------
Aen/archive.gmi | 100+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Aen/archive_2020.gmi | 59+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Aen/cgmnlm.gmi | 84+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Rcgmnlm.png -> en/cgmnlm.png | 0
Rgemtext.gmi -> en/gemtext.gmi | 0
Rhosting.gmi -> en/hosting.gmi | 0
Aen/index.gmi | 69+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Mindex.gmi | 82++++++++++++++----------------------------------------------------------------- | 2+-
17 files changed, 339 insertions(+), 331 deletions(-)

diff --git a/archive.gmi b/archive.gmi @@ -1,100 +0,0 @@ -# shortlog archive @ /en/ - -## 2021 -### 2021-06-02 codeberg -A few days ago i joined the codeberg non-profit org which runs the gitea-based codeberg software forge. -Although i still run my own gitea instance, i think it's a great opportunity help a community-driven alternative to the big players and allow other people host their software repos. -=> Codeberg - -### 2021-05-08 transit and stuff -=> ./transit/ transit has seen some additions, check out these interesting capsules - -No big news on other storys currently. For the moment I decided to stay with my team at the job. At home we are quite busy with gardening - the previous owners didn't spend much time in keeping the garden in a good shape so we need to put some effort into it to catch up. -Besides that i'm looking forward to get out and visit some new places on the motorcycle. - -### 2021-04-09 tmux, job, ... -After several attempts over the last years which all failed i finally managed to get familiar with tmux. A heavily modified binding config inspired by vim helped a lot. tmux is now a daily driver for me - finally. -Did some checks on the motorcycles to have them ready for a ride as soon as springs returns to my part of europe. Due to some other duties that are more present during spring and summer updates related to my various projects may slow down a bit. Additionally im currently thinking about switching to another team in my company - after for 4 years with my current team there's a feeling of "something new might be good". However no decision taken yet. - -### 2021-03-26 alt text in cgmnlm -cgmnlm now features a new 'a' command that toggles the display of preformatted text or the associated alt text (if available). - -### 2021-03-15 deutsche Sektion & cgmnlm -I finally started a german section of my capsule, you'll find the link above. There's currently no usefull content, not sure what will be there in the future, but i don't intend it to be a simple mirror of the english stuff. - -cgmnlm finally made the switch to BearSSL like upstream did a few days ago. The AUR package is updated to match this change. - -### 2021-03-12 ideas - but nothing ready for publishing -For some time now i've been thinking about adding a german section to my capsule. Writing longer texts in english is currently somewhat exhausting for me - on the other side i could use some more exercise in writing english. - -I'd like to use gmnifaq to build a personal faq selection of some tech stuff i rarely need but need to search for when i eventually need it. gmnifaq - although missing a admin section - is ready for doing such things (including full-text-search). I just need to set down and get it done. - -There have been some posts from geminauts who are working part-time on their day job: -=> gemini:// -=> gemini:// -I've gone part-time a few months ago and i want to second the proposals: if you can afford it and don't define yourself by your job, go part-time and use the newly reached free time for yourself. in the proposed german section of this capsule I may eventually write some more info what changed for me. - -### 2021-03-09 cgmnlm news -cgmnlm now supports direct searching in geminispace, obviously using :-D - -I'm currently not sure if i follow the upstream change to BearSSL. I gonna keep track of the discussions on the mailinglist. For the time being cgmnlm will stick to OpenSSL. -=> BearSSL - a smaller SSL/TLS library - -### 2021-03-06 "smart"phone -I was looking for a new "smart"phone to replace my Galaxy A3. There's actually no compact (like the aging A3) phone available that has reasonable more power than my old phone. I ended up buying a new microSD and will keep using the A3. - -In an attempt to workaround the GUS issue mentioned in the 2021-02-26 update i messed up the current index. 🙄 Reindexing is ongoing but will take some hours. Nevertheless i hope the workaround will do... - -### 2021-02-26 short glimpse of spring -The last days felt very much like its spring already. My wife and i started to do some gardening here and there. We moved to our new house mid November and it's still much to do to make the yard match our needs. - -For gmnifaq[1] i started to work with full text search in SQLite. I need to do some more investigation, but i think it can be a good replacement for the unmaintained whoosh which is currently used by GUS. This would probably solve the problem of index updates blocking the search function. -=> gemini:// [1] demo page for gmnifaq - -### 2021-02-17 life is going on -Still busy with various maintenance tasks around and GUS. At least index updates happen regularly but it's still some manual effort from time to time which needs to be ironed out. - -I started migrating from my Intel-based home server to a Raspberry Pi 4 based setup. It's a quite comfortable situation cause both can run simultaneously and i migrate one service a time as i have time. - -After some really cold days with lots of snow it seems like spring is coming to my part of the world way too early. -Although i'm really looking forward to jump on my motorcycle for a ride i kinda miss "real winter" feeling as it was like 20 years ago. - -### 2021-02-08 GUS & Raspi -The last days i've spent to most spare time learning more about GUS and in improving the robustness of the crawl and index process. A robust process is essential for unattended execution. - -I'm thinking about moving my home server to a Raspberry Pi based setup. Some decisions need to be made for special use cases, but most stuff will suite well to a Raspi. -The write-up about a Raspi-based surveillance cam is still pending...i'd rather mess around with some code instead of writing boring documentation. :) - -### 2021-02-01 has been announced to the mailing list yesterday, making it somewhat official. -I'll have some small patches pending for GUS and cgmnlm - i really enjoy the ease of hacking for gemini. - -There's one of these hype "awesome" type lists for gemini as well, iv'e added a link to the section below. - -### 2021-01-26 new search in town -I'm happy to announce that, a new search provider in geminispace is now available for public testing -=> gemini:// - is based on the great GUS by Natalie Pendragon. -Feel free to try out and reach back to me if you'll find glitches. - -### 2021-01-24 cgmnlm publishing -There's an ArchLinux AUR package for cgmnln, but for any other system you currently need to build for yourself. Not sure if i should provide prebuilt packages for one or another system, e.g. the raspberry Pi OS, Debian and so? Drop me a message what you think about it. - -### 2021-01-13 you already guessed it -Moved my code to my own gitea instance which now runs on my home server -=> - -### 2021-01-09 raspberry fun -The raspi arrived yesterday and was up to serve my use case in less than 2 hours. I'd expected it to be much more hassel to set things up (ok, i'm a long time linux user with quite some knowledge...) -Gonna write some more lines about what i wanted to achieve and what i did. - -### 2021-01-05 cgmnlm -i've created a fork of gmni (or to be more precise gmnlm) which i call *cgmnlm* as it adds colored formatting to the gemtext special lines -=> ./cgmnlm.gmi cgmnlm what? - -After quite some time thinking about getting a raspi (or similar) for tinkering i finally ordered one. should arive soon, first use case is to set up a surveillance cam for the dogs. I'll keep you updated how it goes. - -=> ./archive_2020.gmi shortlog archive 2020 - -=> ../ [home] diff --git a/archive_2020.gmi b/archive_2020.gmi @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -# shortlog archive 2020 @ /en/ - -## 2020 -### 2020-12-30 gitea self hosting -probably the last update in 2020 -i've been tinkering with a rented dedicated server and gitea self hosting since yesterday. Mostly out of curiosity, but now i'm thinking about permanently moving my stuff to this one and pull it "home" to the server hosting this capsule -I will take some time till i make decision -=> self-hosted gitea test drive - -### 2020-12-25 christmas lazyness -although i'm home alone (my wife is at work) and have enough spare time to do some coding, christmas lazyness has taken me. -a few friends got me involved in some funny casual online games which just take to much time 😎 - -### 2020-12-17 small additions here & there -using orrg more or less as a daily driver for some feeds i stumble across various monstrosities of useless formatting inside the xml sources. I'll try to fight and improve the feed rendering whenever possible -in the meantime i'll keep adding some interesting capsules to transit, still a lot left to explore - -### 2020-12-14 geddit -i came across *geddit* a few days ago - a interactive link collection with commenting system - i really like the community based approach to collect interesting stuff in geminispace. We'll see how long it takes until spammers take over ... -=> gemini:// go to geddit - -### 2020-12-13 monit -i finally got around to update gmnisrv to the latest commit and set up automatic restart in case of a failure. Hopefully this will result in less outages to the gemini services hosted on -=> ./hosting.gmi have a look at my hosting setup -=> ./transit/ additionally a few feeds were added to transit - -### 2020-12-06 transit -more pandemic caused restrictions coming in here in bavaria, so there's more time exploring the gemini space. -=> ./transit/ transit, my personal gemini feed - -### 2020-11-30 -orrg has seen some good progress in the last days. It's state seems mature enough to publish it on the mailing list and move it to a permament URI: -=> gemini:// my public orrg instance - -### 2020-11-25 feeds for gemini -I'm proud to introduce *orrg*, a rss/atom feed reader for gemini. orrg renders a rss or atom feed as gemini site for easier reading. There is still some work to do to make feeds with heavily rely on HTML for formatting look good, but it essentially works already. -=> gemini:// orrg demo rendering the commit log of the repo -=> - -### 2020-11-22 where is this capsule run? -gemini is great for people who'd like to be indepented and self-host their services. For whom it may interest i've added a description of my setup. See the *info* section below. - -### 2020-11-18 gemini gets interactive -Out of curiosity i started to implement a faq engine to be used with a cgi enabled gemini server. of course this utilizes SQLite, a project which i'm a great fan of. It will be open source and hosted on SourceHut, have look at the links below for the repo -=> gemini:// Here's a demo of the faq engine. - -### 2020-11-12 gemini needs more features! -gemini aims for simplicity, but there's ongoing chat on the mailinglist to add this or that feature to the spec. -=> gemini:// Here's to ultimate site which will answer your question, when a specific feature will be available in gemini. - -### 2020-11-03 gemini got me -This gemini project really got me. As a long time perl dude i was curious to see perl cgi working in conjunction with gemini. -=> gemini:// quick'n'dirty perl cgi demo using gmnisrv - -### 2020-11-02 let's get started -After the advocating for gemini of ddevault i finally setup a gemini space on my machine to tinker around with it. -The move to our new house should be completed in a few days. Although there much left to do in the upcoming months, i hopefully will have more time to do some coding stuff again and add more content to this gemini space. - -=> ../ [home] diff --git a/cgmnlm.gmi b/cgmnlm.gmi @@ -1,84 +0,0 @@ -# cgmnlm @ /en/ - -'cgmnlm' is a colorful gemini line-mode client -=> ./cgmnlm.png screenshot of 'cgmnlm' (png, 71 kB) - -cgmnlm should be able to run on any POSIX-compatible system that supports BearSSL. This should be pretty much every up-to-date linux distro and BSDs. It even runs on a Raspberry Pi. - -## key features -* Bookmarks -* Page history -* Regex searches - -## non-features -* no inlining of any link type -* no caching of page content -* no persistent history - -## modifications compared to upstream -=> This project is of fork of Drew DeVaults 'gmni'. - -I created this project for my own use, it includes the following changes that won't be included upstream. Besides this adjustments i'll try to keep track of upstream changes or send patches to upstream if appropiate. - -* colored headings & links (see next chapter) -* default 4 char indenting -* s command to search in geminispace (via -* k command to remove the bookmark for the current page -* e command to open the current URL in default external program (requires `xdg-open`) -* e[N] command to open a link in default external program (requires `xdg-open`) -* t[N] command to download the content behind a link to a temporary file -* a command to toggle between preformatted text and the associated alt text -* u command to navigate 1 path element up - -### colors -The actual colors used depend on your terminal palette: -* heading 1: light red -* heading 2: light yellow -* heading 3: light green -* gemini link on same capsule: light cyan -* gemini link to another capsule: dark cyan -* non-gemini link: light magenta -* preformatted text: light gray - -## list of commands -``` list of all cgmnlm commands -<Enter> read more lines (if available) -<url> go to url -[N] Follow Nth link (where N is a number) -p[N] Show URL of Nth link (where N is a number) -e[N] Send URL of Nth link or current URL when N is ommited to external default program -t[N] Download content of Nth link to a temporary file -b Back (in the page history) -f Forward (in the page history) -u one path element up -H View all page history -m Save bookmark -M Browse bookmarks -k Remove bookmark for current page -r Reload the page -/<text> search for text (POSIX regular expression) -n jump to next search match -d <path>Download page to <path> -|<prog> Pipe page into program -[N]|<prog> Pipe content of Nth link into program -a toggle usage of alt text instead of preformatted text -q Quit -``` - -## how to get -=> ./sources/cgmnlm.git/ browse the source of cgmnlm on gemini -=> source code & issue tracker on -=> ArchLinux AUR package - -### build yourself - -``` commands to build cgmnlm -$ git clone -$ mkdir build && cd build -$ ../configure -$ make -$ sudo make install -``` -Drop me a note if you are interested in packaging or have demand for a specific package. - -=> ../ [home] diff --git a/de/archiv.gmi b/de/archiv.gmi @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -# Kurzprotokoll-Archiv @ /de/ +# Kurzprotokoll-Archiv @ ## 2021 ### 2021-06-17 Urlaub @@ -29,4 +29,4 @@ Jetzt auch mit einer deutschsprachigen Sektion meiner Kapsel. Inhaltlich ist im englischen Bereich mehr zu finden, gerade alles rund um meine Software (für Gemini oder anderes) wird auch nur dort bleiben. Der Plan ist, hier eher längere Texte bereit zu stellen, bei denen ich aktuell keinen Nerv habe die in Englisch zu verfassen. -=> ./index.gmi [home] +=> ./index.gmi [Startseite] diff --git a/de/cbfunk-codes.gmi b/de/cbfunk-codes.gmi @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -# CB-Funk Sprachcodes @ /de/ +# CB-Funk Sprachcodes @ ## Q-Codes Die Q-Codes sind funkstandard-übergreifende Kürzel in der Regel aus dem vorgestellten "Q" und 2 weiteren Buchstaben. diff --git a/de/cbfunk-kanaele.gmi b/de/cbfunk-kanaele.gmi @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -# CB-Funk Kanal Verwendung @ /de/ +# CB-Funk Kanal Verwendung @ Nachfolgend eine Aufstellung der Kanäle und ihrer zugedachten Verwendungszwecke innerhalb Deutschalands. diff --git a/de/cbfunk.gmi b/de/cbfunk.gmi @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -# CB-Funk @ /de/ +# CB-Funk @ Was CB-Funk genau ist umfangreich auf Wikipedia erklärt: => CB-Funk ( diff --git a/de/index.gmi b/de/index.gmi @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ -# gemini kapsel @ /de/ +# gemini kapsel @ Willkommen im deutschsprachigen Bereich meiner Gemini-Kapsel. Der inhaltlich (derzeit noch) umfangreichere Teil ist in Englisch, dort gibt es auch Informationen zu meiner Software. -=> ./../ Alright, take me there. +=> gemini:// Alright, take me there. ## 🗩 Kurzprotokoll (max. 3 Einträge) ### 2021-07-21 Zeitsprung @@ -25,11 +25,8 @@ Mit dem aktuellen Ergebnis bin ich recht zufrieden, die weitere Pflege und das A => ./archiv.gmi Archiv ## 🛈 Infos & Artikel -<<<<<<< HEAD => ./cbfunk.gmi CB-Funk - Einführung und Infos -======= => ./raspi.gmi Allzweck-SBC "Raspberry Pi" ->>>>>>> 85446634cfb4b39e41f9228bfd27cde805dc352b => ./teilzeit.gmi Arbeiten in Teilzeit ## 🕮 Über mich @@ -41,10 +38,10 @@ Später durfte ich mein Hobby zum Beruf machen und war über 15 Jahre als Softwa Ich bin Anhänger des KISS-Prinzips - sicherlich ein Grund warum mir Gemini so gut gefällt. Das ich fürchterlich in Sachen "Design" bin und CSS für mich ein Buch mit sieben Siegeln ist trägt zusätzlich dazu bei. Neben dieser Kapsel betreibe ich noch einige andere öffentliche Dienste für Gemini und im "überfüllten" Web: -=> gemini://, öffentliche Suchmaschine für Gemini -=> unabhängiger, werbe- & trackingfreier Foto-Host -=> Mein privater Kurzlink-Service -=> Meine Friendica-Instanz, Teil des Fediverse +=> gemini:// - öffentliche Suchmaschine für Gemini +=> - unabhängiger, werbe- & trackingfreier Foto-Host +=> - Mein privater Kurzlink-Service +=> - Meine Friendica-Instanz, Teil des Fediverse Neben der IT sind meine größten "Hobbies" meine Frau und unseren beiden Hunde, die Fotografie und eine schöne Tour auf dem Motorrad. @@ -53,8 +50,4 @@ Neben der IT sind meine größten "Hobbies" meine Frau und unseren beiden Hunde, => Mein Account im Fediverse @ => mein Foto-Showcase auf -```licence -_________________________ - --- CC-BY-NC-SA © René Wagner -``` +> licence: CC-BY-NC-SA © René Wagner diff --git a/en/archive.gmi b/en/archive.gmi @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +# shortlog archive @ + +## 2021 +### 2021-06-02 codeberg +A few days ago i joined the codeberg non-profit org which runs the gitea-based codeberg software forge. +Although i still run my own gitea instance, i think it's a great opportunity help a community-driven alternative to the big players and allow other people host their software repos. +=> Codeberg + +### 2021-05-08 transit and stuff +=> gemini:// transit has seen some additions, check out these interesting capsules + +No big news on other storys currently. For the moment I decided to stay with my team at the job. At home we are quite busy with gardening - the previous owners didn't spend much time in keeping the garden in a good shape so we need to put some effort into it to catch up. +Besides that i'm looking forward to get out and visit some new places on the motorcycle. + +### 2021-04-09 tmux, job, ... +After several attempts over the last years which all failed i finally managed to get familiar with tmux. A heavily modified binding config inspired by vim helped a lot. tmux is now a daily driver for me - finally. +Did some checks on the motorcycles to have them ready for a ride as soon as springs returns to my part of europe. Due to some other duties that are more present during spring and summer updates related to my various projects may slow down a bit. Additionally im currently thinking about switching to another team in my company - after for 4 years with my current team there's a feeling of "something new might be good". However no decision taken yet. + +### 2021-03-26 alt text in cgmnlm +cgmnlm now features a new 'a' command that toggles the display of preformatted text or the associated alt text (if available). + +### 2021-03-15 deutsche Sektion & cgmnlm +I finally started a german section of my capsule, you'll find the link above. There's currently no usefull content, not sure what will be there in the future, but i don't intend it to be a simple mirror of the english stuff. + +cgmnlm finally made the switch to BearSSL like upstream did a few days ago. The AUR package is updated to match this change. + +### 2021-03-12 ideas - but nothing ready for publishing +For some time now i've been thinking about adding a german section to my capsule. Writing longer texts in english is currently somewhat exhausting for me - on the other side i could use some more exercise in writing english. + +I'd like to use gmnifaq to build a personal faq selection of some tech stuff i rarely need but need to search for when i eventually need it. gmnifaq - although missing a admin section - is ready for doing such things (including full-text-search). I just need to set down and get it done. + +There have been some posts from geminauts who are working part-time on their day job: +=> gemini:// +=> gemini:// +I've gone part-time a few months ago and i want to second the proposals: if you can afford it and don't define yourself by your job, go part-time and use the newly reached free time for yourself. in the proposed german section of this capsule I may eventually write some more info what changed for me. + +### 2021-03-09 cgmnlm news +cgmnlm now supports direct searching in geminispace, obviously using :-D + +I'm currently not sure if i follow the upstream change to BearSSL. I gonna keep track of the discussions on the mailinglist. For the time being cgmnlm will stick to OpenSSL. +=> BearSSL - a smaller SSL/TLS library + +### 2021-03-06 "smart"phone +I was looking for a new "smart"phone to replace my Galaxy A3. There's actually no compact (like the aging A3) phone available that has reasonable more power than my old phone. I ended up buying a new microSD and will keep using the A3. + +In an attempt to workaround the GUS issue mentioned in the 2021-02-26 update i messed up the current index. 🙄 Reindexing is ongoing but will take some hours. Nevertheless i hope the workaround will do... + +### 2021-02-26 short glimpse of spring +The last days felt very much like its spring already. My wife and i started to do some gardening here and there. We moved to our new house mid November and it's still much to do to make the yard match our needs. + +For gmnifaq[1] i started to work with full text search in SQLite. I need to do some more investigation, but i think it can be a good replacement for the unmaintained whoosh which is currently used by GUS. This would probably solve the problem of index updates blocking the search function. +=> gemini:// [1] demo page for gmnifaq + +### 2021-02-17 life is going on +Still busy with various maintenance tasks around and GUS. At least index updates happen regularly but it's still some manual effort from time to time which needs to be ironed out. + +I started migrating from my Intel-based home server to a Raspberry Pi 4 based setup. It's a quite comfortable situation cause both can run simultaneously and i migrate one service a time as i have time. + +After some really cold days with lots of snow it seems like spring is coming to my part of the world way too early. +Although i'm really looking forward to jump on my motorcycle for a ride i kinda miss "real winter" feeling as it was like 20 years ago. + +### 2021-02-08 GUS & Raspi +The last days i've spent to most spare time learning more about GUS and in improving the robustness of the crawl and index process. A robust process is essential for unattended execution. + +I'm thinking about moving my home server to a Raspberry Pi based setup. Some decisions need to be made for special use cases, but most stuff will suite well to a Raspi. +The write-up about a Raspi-based surveillance cam is still pending...i'd rather mess around with some code instead of writing boring documentation. :) + +### 2021-02-01 has been announced to the mailing list yesterday, making it somewhat official. +I'll have some small patches pending for GUS and cgmnlm - i really enjoy the ease of hacking for gemini. + +There's one of these hype "awesome" type lists for gemini as well, iv'e added a link to the section below. + +### 2021-01-26 new search in town +I'm happy to announce that, a new search provider in geminispace is now available for public testing +=> gemini:// + is based on the great GUS by Natalie Pendragon. +Feel free to try out and reach back to me if you'll find glitches. + +### 2021-01-24 cgmnlm publishing +There's an ArchLinux AUR package for cgmnln, but for any other system you currently need to build for yourself. Not sure if i should provide prebuilt packages for one or another system, e.g. the raspberry Pi OS, Debian and so? Drop me a message what you think about it. + +### 2021-01-13 you already guessed it +Moved my code to my own gitea instance which now runs on my home server +=> + +### 2021-01-09 raspberry fun +The raspi arrived yesterday and was up to serve my use case in less than 2 hours. I'd expected it to be much more hassel to set things up (ok, i'm a long time linux user with quite some knowledge...) +Gonna write some more lines about what i wanted to achieve and what i did. + +### 2021-01-05 cgmnlm +i've created a fork of gmni (or to be more precise gmnlm) which i call *cgmnlm* as it adds colored formatting to the gemtext special lines +=> ./cgmnlm.gmi cgmnlm what? + +After quite some time thinking about getting a raspi (or similar) for tinkering i finally ordered one. should arive soon, first use case is to set up a surveillance cam for the dogs. I'll keep you updated how it goes. + +=> ./archive_2020.gmi shortlog archive 2020 + +=> ../ [home] diff --git a/en/archive_2020.gmi b/en/archive_2020.gmi @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +# shortlog archive 2020 @ + +## 2020 +### 2020-12-30 gitea self hosting +probably the last update in 2020 +i've been tinkering with a rented dedicated server and gitea self hosting since yesterday. Mostly out of curiosity, but now i'm thinking about permanently moving my stuff to this one and pull it "home" to the server hosting this capsule +I will take some time till i make decision +=> self-hosted gitea test drive + +### 2020-12-25 christmas lazyness +although i'm home alone (my wife is at work) and have enough spare time to do some coding, christmas lazyness has taken me. +a few friends got me involved in some funny casual online games which just take to much time 😎 + +### 2020-12-17 small additions here & there +using orrg more or less as a daily driver for some feeds i stumble across various monstrosities of useless formatting inside the xml sources. I'll try to fight and improve the feed rendering whenever possible +in the meantime i'll keep adding some interesting capsules to transit, still a lot left to explore + +### 2020-12-14 geddit +i came across *geddit* a few days ago - a interactive link collection with commenting system - i really like the community based approach to collect interesting stuff in geminispace. We'll see how long it takes until spammers take over ... +=> gemini:// go to geddit + +### 2020-12-13 monit +i finally got around to update gmnisrv to the latest commit and set up automatic restart in case of a failure. Hopefully this will result in less outages to the gemini services hosted on +=> ./hosting.gmi have a look at my hosting setup +=> ./transit/ additionally a few feeds were added to transit + +### 2020-12-06 transit +more pandemic caused restrictions coming in here in bavaria, so there's more time exploring the gemini space. +=> ./transit/ transit, my personal gemini feed + +### 2020-11-30 +orrg has seen some good progress in the last days. It's state seems mature enough to publish it on the mailing list and move it to a permament URI: +=> gemini:// my public orrg instance + +### 2020-11-25 feeds for gemini +I'm proud to introduce *orrg*, a rss/atom feed reader for gemini. orrg renders a rss or atom feed as gemini site for easier reading. There is still some work to do to make feeds with heavily rely on HTML for formatting look good, but it essentially works already. +=> gemini:// orrg demo rendering the commit log of the repo +=> + +### 2020-11-22 where is this capsule run? +gemini is great for people who'd like to be indepented and self-host their services. For whom it may interest i've added a description of my setup. See the *info* section below. + +### 2020-11-18 gemini gets interactive +Out of curiosity i started to implement a faq engine to be used with a cgi enabled gemini server. of course this utilizes SQLite, a project which i'm a great fan of. It will be open source and hosted on SourceHut, have look at the links below for the repo +=> gemini:// Here's a demo of the faq engine. + +### 2020-11-12 gemini needs more features! +gemini aims for simplicity, but there's ongoing chat on the mailinglist to add this or that feature to the spec. +=> gemini:// Here's to ultimate site which will answer your question, when a specific feature will be available in gemini. + +### 2020-11-03 gemini got me +This gemini project really got me. As a long time perl dude i was curious to see perl cgi working in conjunction with gemini. +=> gemini:// quick'n'dirty perl cgi demo using gmnisrv + +### 2020-11-02 let's get started +After the advocating for gemini of ddevault i finally setup a gemini space on my machine to tinker around with it. +The move to our new house should be completed in a few days. Although there much left to do in the upcoming months, i hopefully will have more time to do some coding stuff again and add more content to this gemini space. + +=> ../ [home] diff --git a/en/cgmnlm.gmi b/en/cgmnlm.gmi @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +# cgmnlm @ + +'cgmnlm' is a colorful gemini line-mode client +=> ./cgmnlm.png screenshot of 'cgmnlm' (png, 71 kB) + +cgmnlm should be able to run on any POSIX-compatible system that supports BearSSL. This should be pretty much every up-to-date linux distro and BSDs. It even runs on a Raspberry Pi. + +## key features +* Bookmarks +* Page history +* Regex searches + +## non-features +* no inlining of any link type +* no caching of page content +* no persistent history + +## modifications compared to upstream +=> This project is of fork of Drew DeVaults 'gmni'. + +I created this project for my own use, it includes the following changes that won't be included upstream. Besides this adjustments i'll try to keep track of upstream changes or send patches to upstream if appropiate. + +* colored headings & links (see next chapter) +* default 4 char indenting +* s command to search in geminispace (via +* k command to remove the bookmark for the current page +* e command to open the current URL in default external program (requires `xdg-open`) +* e[N] command to open a link in default external program (requires `xdg-open`) +* t[N] command to download the content behind a link to a temporary file +* a command to toggle between preformatted text and the associated alt text +* u command to navigate 1 path element up + +### colors +The actual colors used depend on your terminal palette: +* heading 1: light red +* heading 2: light yellow +* heading 3: light green +* gemini link on same capsule: light cyan +* gemini link to another capsule: dark cyan +* non-gemini link: light magenta +* preformatted text: light gray + +## list of commands +``` list of all cgmnlm commands +<Enter> read more lines (if available) +<url> go to url +[N] Follow Nth link (where N is a number) +p[N] Show URL of Nth link (where N is a number) +e[N] Send URL of Nth link or current URL when N is ommited to external default program +t[N] Download content of Nth link to a temporary file +b Back (in the page history) +f Forward (in the page history) +u one path element up +H View all page history +m Save bookmark +M Browse bookmarks +k Remove bookmark for current page +r Reload the page +/<text> search for text (POSIX regular expression) +n jump to next search match +d <path>Download page to <path> +|<prog> Pipe page into program +[N]|<prog> Pipe content of Nth link into program +a toggle usage of alt text instead of preformatted text +q Quit +``` + +## how to get +=> gemini:// browse the source of cgmnlm on gemini +=> source code & issue tracker on +=> ArchLinux AUR package + +### build yourself + +``` commands to build cgmnlm +$ git clone +$ mkdir build && cd build +$ ../configure +$ make +$ sudo make install +``` +Drop me a note if you are interested in packaging or have demand for a specific package. + +=> ../ [home] diff --git a/cgmnlm.png b/en/cgmnlm.png Binary files differ. diff --git a/gemtext.gmi b/en/gemtext.gmi diff --git a/hosting.gmi b/en/hosting.gmi diff --git a/en/index.gmi b/en/index.gmi @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +# gemini capsule @ en.gmn.clttr.inf + +Welcome to the english section of my gemini capsule! +You'll mostly find tech and coding related stuff here. + +=> gemini:// Hier entlang zur deutschsprachigen Sektion. + +## 🗩 shortlog (latest 3 updates) +### stricter gemtext +=> gemini:// Re: ew0ks whishing for stricter gemtext +Having used Gemini and Gemtext for i few months, i mostly agree with the points taken by ew0k about stricter gemtext. Thi is surely backed by my habits to already follow some of his ideas. Especially the restriction to a single mandatory whitespace as delimiter would make life as a gemini dev easier. +I don't agree with the part of "stick to the first 3 chars" as this seems counter-intuitive to me from a user-perspective. + +### old computer challenge +=> gemini:// Solene has proposed an "old computer challenge" +This is somewhat appealing to me. I'm more and more annoyed by the increasing complexity of modern software, UI/UX changes just for the sake of it and "undocumented behaviour" (aka bugs). Things are breaking again and again. +I think it's a good idea to take a step back and think about what it was like a few years ago and if we can learn something from the way we've gone during this time. +Unfortunately i don't have any hardware that meets Solenes requirements, but i'll probably join with a stripped down VM running Haiku. + +### 2021-07-03 cgmnlm usage update +cgmnlm saw 2 small updates recently which should make browsing capsules easier: +* the history page has now hints what needs to be typed to jump to this page +* as more capsules seems to skip the "home" link on pages, i've implemented the "u" command to move one path element up + +=> ./sources/cgmnlm.git/ Additionally the source of cgmnlm is now available for browsing via gemini + +=> ./archive.gmi shortlog archive + +## 🛈 info & articles +=> ./hosting.gmi (outdated) my self-hosting setup + +## 🗐 coding +### gemini related +=> ./cgmnlm.gmi cgmnlm, a colorful gemini line-mode client + +Perl maybe considered oldschool by many, but it is still very good in text processing - which is the very core of gemini. Therefore it is obvious to use perl for cgi with gemini. +=> gemini:// orrg, online rss feed renderer for gemini +=> gemini:// source of orrg + +=> gemini:// gmnifaq, a dynamic FAQ-engine for gemini capsule +=> gemini:// source of gmnifaq + +=> my gemini related projects on + +### photography related +As a amateur photographer i created some open source tools which support my development workflow +=> photography workflow tools on + +## 🕮 About me +I started my "computer career" in the late 1980s, when i wrote BASIC programs on one of these: +=> Robotron KC85/4 + +I've since been a tech addict interested in coding and admin stuff. I embrace the KISS principle, i guess that's why i'm so excited about gemini. +After 15 years of working as a software engineer, i'm now more into backend stuff. Honestly i have never been that good in creating a new piece of software from scratch, but i'm pretty good at picking some random stuff and improve it. Thats why whenever there was a piece of "legacy software" that needed to be maintaned it got on my desk. + +I run a few public sites on the "ordinary web": +=> - german photography community +=> - my private shortlink service +=> - my Friendica instance, part of the fediverse + +Besides "tech" my spare time is mostly dedicated to my wife and our dogs, motorcycling and photography. Sometimes even some casual gaming. + +### 🖃 contact +=> eMail +=> profile on my private Gitea instance +=> fediverse account @ +=> personal photo showcase + +> licence: CC-BY-NC-SA © René Wagner diff --git a/index.gmi b/index.gmi @@ -1,76 +1,22 @@ -# gemini capsule @ /en/ +# landing @ -Welcome to the english section of my gemini capsule! -You'll mostly find tech and coding related stuff here. +Welcome to my capsule / Willkommen in meiner Kapsel! -=> ./de/ Hier entlang zur deutschsprachigen Sektion. +I'm hosting slightly different content in english and german. Please make your choice: +Meine Kapsel steht in englisch und deutsch mit leicht unterschiedlichem Inhalt zur Verfügung: -## 🗩 shortlog (latest 3 updates) -### stricter gemtext -=> gemini:// Re: ew0ks whishing for stricter gemtext -Having used Gemini and Gemtext for i few months, i mostly agree with the points taken by ew0k about stricter gemtext. Thi is surely backed by my habits to already follow some of his ideas. Especially the restriction to a single mandatory whitespace as delimiter would make life as a gemini dev easier. -I don't agree with the part of "stick to the first 3 chars" as this seems counter-intuitive to me from a user-perspective. +=> gemini:// english / englisch +=> gemini:// german / deutsch -### old computer challenge -=> gemini:// Solene has proposed an "old computer challenge" -This is somewhat appealing to me. I'm more and more annoyed by the increasing complexity of modern software, UI/UX changes just for the sake of it and "undocumented behaviour" (aka bugs). Things are breaking again and again. -I think it's a good idea to take a step back and think about what it was like a few years ago and if we can learn something from the way we've gone during this time. -Unfortunately i don't have any hardware that meets Solenes requirements, but i'll probably join with a stripped down VM running Haiku. +## gemini search is a public search provider for Gemini - eine öffentliche Suchmaschine für Gemini - ist mein Beitrag zur Gemini Gemeinschaft -### 2021-07-03 cgmnlm usage update -cgmnlm saw 2 small updates recently which should make browsing capsules easier: -* the history page has now hints what needs to be typed to jump to this page -* as more capsules seems to skip the "home" link on pages, i've implemented the "u" command to move one path element up +=> gemini:// -=> ./sources/cgmnlm.git/ Additionally the source of cgmnlm is now available for browsing via gemini +## Transit +"Transit" is my personal feed aggregator with interesting stuff in geminispace: +"Transit" is meine persönliche Zusammenstellung von interessanten Kapseln: -=> ./archive.gmi shortlog archive +=> ./transit/ Transit -## 🛈 info & articles -=> ./transit/ transit - my personal gemini feed -=> gemini:// - public search provider for gemini - -=> ./hosting.gmi (outdated) my self-hosting setup - -## 🗐 coding -### gemini related -=> ./cgmnlm.gmi cgmnlm, a colorful gemini line-mode client - -Perl maybe considered oldschool by many, but it is still very good in text processing - which is the very core of gemini. Therefore it is obvious to use perl for cgi with gemini. -=> gemini:// orrg, online rss feed renderer for gemini -=> ./sources/orrg.git/ source of orrg - -=> gemini:// gmnifaq, a dynamic FAQ-engine for gemini capsule -=> ./sources/gmnifaq.git/ source of gmnifaq - -=> my gemini related projects on - -### photography related -As a amateur photographer i created some open source tools which support my development workflow -=> photography workflow tools on - -## 🕮 About me -I started my "computer career" in the late 1980s, when i wrote BASIC programs on one of these: -=> Robotron KC85/4 - -I've since been a tech addict interested in coding and admin stuff. I embrace the KISS principle, i guess that's why i'm so excited about gemini. -After 15 years of working as a software engineer, i'm now more into backend stuff. Honestly i have never been that good in creating a new piece of software from scratch, but i'm pretty good at picking some random stuff and improve it. Thats why whenever there was a piece of "legacy software" that needed to be maintaned it got on my desk. - -I run a few public sites on the "ordinary web": -=> german photography community -=> my Friendica instance, part of the fediverse -=> my private shortlink service - -Besides "tech" my spare time is mostly dedicated to my wife and our dogs, motorcycling and photography. Sometimes even some casual gaming. - -### 🖃 contact -=> eMail -=> profile on my private Gitea instance -=> fediverse account @ -=> personal photo showcase - -```licence -_________________________ - --- CC-BY-NC-SA © René Wagner -``` diff --git a/ b/ @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ ../gmnigit -dist ~/source/ -repo ../cgmnlm/ -url ../gmnigit -dist ~/source/ -repo ../orrg/ -url ../gmnigit -dist ~/source/ -repo ../gmnifaq/ -url -scp -r * pi@ +rsync --recursive * pi@