my personal gemini capsule
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commit bec1f80e1d68016b3d9f3b2732065c579b7709c7
parent f90b9a1be4d4b4cd445059dafabde3b30f28b085
Author: René Wagner <>
Date:   Mon, 25 Jul 2022 20:52:03 +0200

move to

Diffstat: | 2+-
Dde/archiv.gmi | 18------------------
Dde/archiv_2021.gmi | 79-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mde/index.gmi | 20++++----------------
Ade/shortlog.gmi | 32++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ade/shortlog_2021.gmi | 77+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Den/archive.gmi | 46----------------------------------------------
Den/archive_2021.gmi | 195-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Men/index.gmi | 26++++++++------------------
Aen/shortlog.gmi | 59+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ren/archive_2020.gmi -> en/shortlog_2020.gmi | 0
Aen/shortlog_2021.gmi | 193+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Mindex.gmi | 9++------- | 14--------------
14 files changed, 376 insertions(+), 394 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.build.yml b/.build.yml @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ sources: - git:// - environment: - site: + site: tasks: - package: | cd gmnigit/ diff --git a/de/archiv.gmi b/de/archiv.gmi @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -# Kurzprotokoll-Archiv @ - -## 2022 -### 2022-04-17 Steam Deck -Nun ist doch relativ zeitnah ein Steam Deck bei mir gelandet. Ich hab mal kurz die Eindrücke aus dem 1. Tag mit dem Deck niedergeschrieben. -=> steamdeck_erstertag.gmi Der erste Tag mit dem Steam Deck -=> offizielle Homepage des Steam Deck - -### 2022-04-05 neues Handy -Nach langem Hin und Her hab ich mein fast 5 Jahre Samsung Galaxy A3 nun doch abgelöst. Es war klar das ich den ein oder andere Kompromiss würde eingehen müssen, am Ende ist es nun ein Teracube 2e mit dem google-freien /e/ geworden: -=> Teracube 2e information @ /e/ shop -Ein etwas kleineres Telefon wäre mir lieber gewesen und gemessen am Preis ist die Hardware sicher nicht wettbewerbsfähig, aber andere Kriterien waren mir wichtiger und im Vergleich zum A3 ist es ein großer Schritt. Es gibt noch ein paar Bugs, die mich aber im täglichen Betrieb nicht behindern. - -### 2022-02-28 aufwärts?! -Die letzten Wochen waren für mich doch ziemlich anstrengend, ich hab mich komplett ausgelaugt gefühlt. -Aber jetzt haben wir endlich Urlaub und - vor allen Dingen - sieht es so aus als das wir ein paar Tage am Stück Sonne haben. Die hat mir doch erheblich gefehlt. Das immer gleich trübe Grau und Nass hat mir doch ziemlich aufs Gemüt geschlagen. - -=> index.gmi [Startseite] diff --git a/de/archiv_2021.gmi b/de/archiv_2021.gmi @@ -1,79 +0,0 @@ -# Kurzprotokoll-Archiv @ - -## 2021 -### 2021-12-24 überall "Cloud" und "Apps" -Wir haben uns vor kurzem so ein "Ding" für "Wassermanagement" installieren lassen - also eigentlich soll das Teil nur den Hauswasseranschluß abstellen wenn ein Leck auftritt. "Wassermangement" klingt natürlich viel wichtiger. -Prinzipiell funktioniert das Teil ohne "Cloud" (Auf/Zu, Wechsel der Wasserentnahmeprofile), aber nichtmal die Anpassung der Profile geht ohne App und zugehöriger Registrierung beim Hersteller. Wie mich sowas ankäst...vollkommen unnötige Komplexität und externe Abhängigkeit. -Es gibt dann noch drahtlose Sensoren dazu, um diese z.B. bei Waschmaschine oder Geschirrspüler zu platzieren. Auch diese müssen über "die Cloud" registriert werden und kommunizieren im Falle einer Auslösung auch nur über diesen Umweg mit dem System am Wasseranschluß - obwohl sie meist nur wenige Meter daneben stehen. Wenn man also im Urlaub z.B. das WLAN daheim abschaltet, sind die Sensoren nutzlos. Wer denkt sich sowas aus? -Eventuell schreib ich die Tage noch ein bisschen ausführlicher dazu. - -### 2021-12-03 aus alt mach "neu" -Hab mir für 4€ eine neue Hülle für mein Smartphone kommen lassen...fühlt sich an wie an neues Gerät. Viele hundert € gespart. :-D - -### 2021-10-14 Ferngläser im Einsatz -Die Zusammenstellung meiner Erfahrungen mit 2 Pentax und 1 Fuji Fernglas aus dem Hobby-Bereich hab ich nun endlich mal zu gemtext gebracht. -=> fernglas.gmi Den Bericht könnt ihr hier nachlesen. - -### 2021-10-01 -Da ist man mal ein paar Tage an der Nordsee und kommt mit über 700 Fotos zurück, die gesichtet, aussortiert und die Guten auch noch entwickelt werden wollen. *uiuiui* -Das passt irgendwie nicht so recht in meine ToDo-Liste, die neben dem angefangenen Beitrag zu Ferngläsern und dem Umbau der Antenne für den CB-Funk auch noch diverse Tätigkeiten an Haus und Garten vorsieht. -Ich hab zu viele "Hobbys"... :-/ - -### 2021-09-11 Mechanische Tastatur -Nach einigen Jahren Abstinenz will ich mich nun mal wieder mit einer mechanischen Tastatur versuchen. Leider ist die Auswahl an derlei Gerät in "ergonomischer" Form sehr überschaubar und recht preisintensiv. Ich hab mich jetzt erstmal testhalber für eine "Matias Ergo Pro" entschieden, weil diese ein paar ungewöhnliche Features hat wie die freie Positionierung der beiden Tastaturhälften. -Leider sind schon beim Auspacken 2 die Klappfüßchen rausgefallen weil eins der Klemmbeinchen abgebrochen war. Das läßt sich aber hoffentlich schnell klären und bisher hab ich auch keine Verwendung für die Füßchen. - -### 2021-09-07 motion & Debian Bullseye -Einer unserer Raspis dient ja als Überwachungskamera, auf dem Gerät hab ich heute mal das Update auf Debian Bullseye nachgezogen. Danach hat dann (vermeintlich) motion - die Software für das Videostreaming - nicht mehr funktioniert. -Es hat etwas gedauert bis ich kapiert hatte, dass mit Bullseye der Startmechanismus von motion auf systemd Units umgestellt wurde und man daher den motion-eigenen Daemon-Mode AUSSCHALTEN muss. Sonst gabs ne doppelte Dämonisierung und das kann ja nicht gut gehen. :-D - -### 2021-08-28 endlich mal wieder Fotos -Vor ein paar Tagen hatte ich die Gelegenheit, endlich mal wieder mit ein paar befreundeten Gleichgesinnten zum Fotografieren loszuziehen. Es wurde eine sehr entspannte und interessante Tagestour in Richtung tschechische Grenze, wo wir 2 Lost Places besuchen durften. LP üben ja auf viele eine besondere Faszination aus, sind sie oftmals nicht nur ein Fenster in die Vergangenheit, sondern führen auch deutlich unsere Vergänglichkeit vor Augen. -=> Fotos der Lost Place Tour in Arzberg - -### 2021-07-31 CB-Funk -Um das hier ein bisschen aufgeräumt zu lassen hab ich für den CB-Funk ein eigenes Log aus der Taufe gehoben: -=> cbfunk/log.gmi CB-Funk Log - -### 2021-07-16 dezentrale Kommunikation (Fediverse Cross-Post) -Mir fällt - mal wieder - auf, dass wir eigentlich keine leicht zugänglichen, echt dezentral funktierenden Kommunikationsmittel für (zumindest regionale) Echtzeitkommunikation mehr haben. Oder übersehe ich was? Alles was breitflächig im Einsatz ist hängt von zentraler Infrastruktur ab (Mobilfunk, Telefon, Messenger). -In meiner Jugend hatte der Amateurfunk und CB-Funk eine erkleckliche Verbreitung, aber da fällt die Teilnehmerzahl seit Jahren. -Eine andere Übertragungsart außer Funk fällt mir auch grad gar nicht ein, die das leisten kann. Würde der (digitale) Behördenfunk echt dezentral funktionieren (ehrliche Frage, kenne die Implementierung nicht)? Wobei Behördenfunk das Kriterium "leicht zugänglich" nicht erfüllt. - -Ich finde das irgendwie nicht soo gut... - -### 2021-07-13 Dinge erledigen -Ich habs lange aus verschiedenen Gründen vor mir her geschoben, aber vor ein paar Tagen hab ich mich dann doch mal an GUS/ rangesetzt und nach Lösungen für die aktuellen Herausforderungen gesucht. Diesmal gingen mir die Anpassungen leicht von der Hand, manchmal muss man wohl einfach den richtigen Zeitpunkt abwarten. -Mit dem aktuellen Ergebnis bin ich recht zufrieden, die weitere Pflege und das Aktuell Halten des Indexes dürfte nun etwas leichter von der Hand gehen. - -### 2021-06-17 Urlaub -1 Woche Auszeit im bayrischen Wald liegen hinter uns, leider waren 5 der 7 Tage mit teils heftigen Unwettern ausgestattet. Unsere Ausflüge in die Natur haben wir deshalb meist auf den Vormittag beschränken müssen, weil es pünktlich zur Mittagszeit ungemütlich wurde. -Nachdem Freenode ja nun endgültig Geschichte ist und ich mich grad nicht dazu durchringen kann, mich bei einem der Ausweichnetzwerke zu registrieren, werde ich es jetzt einfach mal mit Matrix probieren. -Der Milan betreibt neben einigen anderen Diensten auch einen Matrix-Server auf -=> Dienste von - -### 2021-05-21 langes Wochenende -Ich hab das lange Wochenende noch etwas weiter verlängert, hab das Gefühl das ist im Moment auch dringend nötig. - -### 2021-05-14 -Nachdem nun wieder halbwegs aktuell ist kann ich auch wieder beruhigt schlafen. :) - -### 2021-04-04 nix halbes, nix ganzes -Es fällt mir gerade schwer, mich so richtig auf ein Projekt zu konzentrieren. Ich mach überall ein bisschen was, aber bekomme irgendwie nix fertig. Größere Aufgaben fang ich gar nicht erst an - da fehlt mir im Moment die Motiviation/Konzentration. Das wirkt sich leider auch auf diese Kapsel aus: -* Text zu "Arbeit in Teilzeit" - begonnen, dann war ich mit der Gliederung unzufrieden, jetzt liegts rum -* Text zu "Überwachungskamera mit einem Raspi" - begonnen, es müssen technische Details hinterlegt werden, liegt jetzt rum -Wenigstens läuft nun einigermaßen zuverlässig. -Nicht hilfreich war in jedem Fall, dass ich über ein Archiv mit alten DOS-Spielen gestolpert bin und nun immer wieder in Erinnerungen an die Zeiten vor über 25 Jahren schwelge. Das erste "Microprose Grand Prix" ist echt erstaunlich gut gealtert. Macht immer noch richtig Laune. - -### 2021-03-19 2 Wochen Urlaub -2 Wochen Auszeit vom Beruf, mehr oder weniger 2 Wochen handwerkliche Tätigkeiten am Haus und im Garten. Jetzt bräuchte ich eigentlich Urlaub vom Urlaub. Als "Schreibtischtäter" ist man so viel körperliche Arbeit einfach nicht gewohnt. ;) -Wenn ab Montag wieder die geistige Arbeit Einzug hält komme ich hoffentlich auch wieder in die richtige "Stimmung", um ein paar Verbesserungen an cgmnlm und GUS vorzunehmen, die mir im Kopf rumschwirren. - -### 2021-03-15 auf gehts -Jetzt auch mit einer deutschsprachigen Sektion meiner Kapsel. -Inhaltlich ist im englischen Bereich mehr zu finden, gerade alles rund um meine Software (für Gemini oder anderes) wird auch nur dort bleiben. -Der Plan ist, hier eher längere Texte bereit zu stellen, bei denen ich aktuell keinen Nerv habe die in Englisch zu verfassen. - -=> archiv_2021.gmi Archiv von 2021 - -=> index.gmi [Startseite] diff --git a/de/index.gmi b/de/index.gmi @@ -3,24 +3,12 @@ Willkommen im deutschsprachigen Bereich meiner Gemini-Kapsel. Der inhaltlich (derzeit noch) umfangreichere Teil ist in Englisch, dort gibt es auch Informationen zu meiner Software. -=> gemini:// Alright, take me there. +=> gemini:// Alright, take me there. -## 🗩 Kurzprotokoll (max. 3 Einträge) -### 2022-07-10 Kleinigkeiten -Wir hatten seit einem Routerwechsel immer wieder WLAN-Verbindungsprobleme (sehr schlechter Empfang) mit unserem Raspi mit LibreELEC/Kodi. Schlechte Verbindung ist für Streaming natürlich bissl doof. -Ich hab verschiedene Standorte für den Raspi ausprobiert, was leider wenig gebracht hat. Ich war schon kurz davor den Router woanders hinzuhängen. -Glücklicherweise hab ich mich vorab noch schlau gemacht, wo denn der Raspi überhaupt seine WLAN "Antennen" hat. Wie es der Zufall so wollte befand sich bei all meinen Versuchen genau zwischen Router und der Antenne ein Metallsteg des Gehäuses. Der Raspi musste also nur um ca. 40 Grad gedreht werden, damit das Hindernis aus der direkten Funkstrecke kommt und schon lüppt es wieder. +## 🗩 Kurzprotokoll +=> shortlog.gmi kurze Statusnachrichten -### 2022-06-04 da fehlt was -Der USB-Port im Auto hat scheinbar den Geist aufgegeben, meine Frau braucht aber dringend gescheite Musik wenn Sie vom Dienst heimkommt. Also habe ich heute das erste Mal seit Jahren ne MP3-CD gebrannt. -Da fällt mal wieder extrem auf: Dem ganzen neumodischen Kram fehlt der Haptik-Aspekt komplett. -Touchscreen, Streaming, Flashspeicher - nix zum anfassen. Das macht nur halb so viel Spaß finde ich. - -### 2022-05-16 Steam Deck haut rein -Nach ziemlich genau 4 Wochen mit den Steam Deck kann ich sagen: geiles Teil, genau auf was ich lange gewartet hab. In der Nintendo-Blase bin ich einfach nicht zu Hause und die Konkurrenten (Aya Neo, OneXPlayer) sind preislich ne krass andere Hausnummer. -Das Ding macht Spaß, ich zocke tatsächlich wieder mehr - eigentlich sogar mehr als mir lieb ist, aber es macht halt einfach Spaß damit. - -=> archiv.gmi Archiv +=> shortlog_2021.gmi Statusnachrichten aus dem Jahr 2021 ## 🛈 Infos & Artikel => steamdeck_erstertag.gmi Der erste Tag mit dem Steam Deck diff --git a/de/shortlog.gmi b/de/shortlog.gmi @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +# Kurzprotokoll-Archiv @ + +## 2022 +### 2022-07-10 Kleinigkeiten +Wir hatten seit einem Routerwechsel immer wieder WLAN-Verbindungsprobleme (sehr schlechter Empfang) mit unserem Raspi mit LibreELEC/Kodi. Schlechte Verbindung ist für Streaming natürlich bissl doof. +Ich hab verschiedene Standorte für den Raspi ausprobiert, was leider wenig gebracht hat. Ich war schon kurz davor den Router woanders hinzuhängen. +Glücklicherweise hab ich mich vorab noch schlau gemacht, wo denn der Raspi überhaupt seine WLAN "Antennen" hat. Wie es der Zufall so wollte befand sich bei all meinen Versuchen genau zwischen Router und der Antenne ein Metallsteg des Gehäuses. Der Raspi musste also nur um ca. 40 Grad gedreht werden, damit das Hindernis aus der direkten Funkstrecke kommt und schon lüppt es wieder. + +### 2022-06-04 da fehlt was +Der USB-Port im Auto hat scheinbar den Geist aufgegeben, meine Frau braucht aber dringend gescheite Musik wenn Sie vom Dienst heimkommt. Also habe ich heute das erste Mal seit Jahren ne MP3-CD gebrannt. +Da fällt mal wieder extrem auf: Dem ganzen neumodischen Kram fehlt der Haptik-Aspekt komplett. +Touchscreen, Streaming, Flashspeicher - nix zum anfassen. Das macht nur halb so viel Spaß finde ich. + +### 2022-05-16 Steam Deck haut rein +Nach ziemlich genau 4 Wochen mit den Steam Deck kann ich sagen: geiles Teil, genau auf was ich lange gewartet hab. In der Nintendo-Blase bin ich einfach nicht zu Hause und die Konkurrenten (Aya Neo, OneXPlayer) sind preislich ne krass andere Hausnummer. +Das Ding macht Spaß, ich zocke tatsächlich wieder mehr - eigentlich sogar mehr als mir lieb ist, aber es macht halt einfach Spaß damit. + +### 2022-04-17 Steam Deck +Nun ist doch relativ zeitnah ein Steam Deck bei mir gelandet. Ich hab mal kurz die Eindrücke aus dem 1. Tag mit dem Deck niedergeschrieben. +=> steamdeck_erstertag.gmi Der erste Tag mit dem Steam Deck +=> offizielle Homepage des Steam Deck + +### 2022-04-05 neues Handy +Nach langem Hin und Her hab ich mein fast 5 Jahre Samsung Galaxy A3 nun doch abgelöst. Es war klar das ich den ein oder andere Kompromiss würde eingehen müssen, am Ende ist es nun ein Teracube 2e mit dem google-freien /e/ geworden: +=> Teracube 2e information @ /e/ shop +Ein etwas kleineres Telefon wäre mir lieber gewesen und gemessen am Preis ist die Hardware sicher nicht wettbewerbsfähig, aber andere Kriterien waren mir wichtiger und im Vergleich zum A3 ist es ein großer Schritt. Es gibt noch ein paar Bugs, die mich aber im täglichen Betrieb nicht behindern. + +### 2022-02-28 aufwärts?! +Die letzten Wochen waren für mich doch ziemlich anstrengend, ich hab mich komplett ausgelaugt gefühlt. +Aber jetzt haben wir endlich Urlaub und - vor allen Dingen - sieht es so aus als das wir ein paar Tage am Stück Sonne haben. Die hat mir doch erheblich gefehlt. Das immer gleich trübe Grau und Nass hat mir doch ziemlich aufs Gemüt geschlagen. + +=> index.gmi [Startseite] diff --git a/de/shortlog_2021.gmi b/de/shortlog_2021.gmi @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +# Kurzprotokoll-Archiv @ + +## 2021 +### 2021-12-24 überall "Cloud" und "Apps" +Wir haben uns vor kurzem so ein "Ding" für "Wassermanagement" installieren lassen - also eigentlich soll das Teil nur den Hauswasseranschluß abstellen wenn ein Leck auftritt. "Wassermangement" klingt natürlich viel wichtiger. +Prinzipiell funktioniert das Teil ohne "Cloud" (Auf/Zu, Wechsel der Wasserentnahmeprofile), aber nichtmal die Anpassung der Profile geht ohne App und zugehöriger Registrierung beim Hersteller. Wie mich sowas ankäst...vollkommen unnötige Komplexität und externe Abhängigkeit. +Es gibt dann noch drahtlose Sensoren dazu, um diese z.B. bei Waschmaschine oder Geschirrspüler zu platzieren. Auch diese müssen über "die Cloud" registriert werden und kommunizieren im Falle einer Auslösung auch nur über diesen Umweg mit dem System am Wasseranschluß - obwohl sie meist nur wenige Meter daneben stehen. Wenn man also im Urlaub z.B. das WLAN daheim abschaltet, sind die Sensoren nutzlos. Wer denkt sich sowas aus? +Eventuell schreib ich die Tage noch ein bisschen ausführlicher dazu. + +### 2021-12-03 aus alt mach "neu" +Hab mir für 4€ eine neue Hülle für mein Smartphone kommen lassen...fühlt sich an wie an neues Gerät. Viele hundert € gespart. :-D + +### 2021-10-14 Ferngläser im Einsatz +Die Zusammenstellung meiner Erfahrungen mit 2 Pentax und 1 Fuji Fernglas aus dem Hobby-Bereich hab ich nun endlich mal zu gemtext gebracht. +=> fernglas.gmi Den Bericht könnt ihr hier nachlesen. + +### 2021-10-01 +Da ist man mal ein paar Tage an der Nordsee und kommt mit über 700 Fotos zurück, die gesichtet, aussortiert und die Guten auch noch entwickelt werden wollen. *uiuiui* +Das passt irgendwie nicht so recht in meine ToDo-Liste, die neben dem angefangenen Beitrag zu Ferngläsern und dem Umbau der Antenne für den CB-Funk auch noch diverse Tätigkeiten an Haus und Garten vorsieht. +Ich hab zu viele "Hobbys"... :-/ + +### 2021-09-11 Mechanische Tastatur +Nach einigen Jahren Abstinenz will ich mich nun mal wieder mit einer mechanischen Tastatur versuchen. Leider ist die Auswahl an derlei Gerät in "ergonomischer" Form sehr überschaubar und recht preisintensiv. Ich hab mich jetzt erstmal testhalber für eine "Matias Ergo Pro" entschieden, weil diese ein paar ungewöhnliche Features hat wie die freie Positionierung der beiden Tastaturhälften. +Leider sind schon beim Auspacken 2 die Klappfüßchen rausgefallen weil eins der Klemmbeinchen abgebrochen war. Das läßt sich aber hoffentlich schnell klären und bisher hab ich auch keine Verwendung für die Füßchen. + +### 2021-09-07 motion & Debian Bullseye +Einer unserer Raspis dient ja als Überwachungskamera, auf dem Gerät hab ich heute mal das Update auf Debian Bullseye nachgezogen. Danach hat dann (vermeintlich) motion - die Software für das Videostreaming - nicht mehr funktioniert. +Es hat etwas gedauert bis ich kapiert hatte, dass mit Bullseye der Startmechanismus von motion auf systemd Units umgestellt wurde und man daher den motion-eigenen Daemon-Mode AUSSCHALTEN muss. Sonst gabs ne doppelte Dämonisierung und das kann ja nicht gut gehen. :-D + +### 2021-08-28 endlich mal wieder Fotos +Vor ein paar Tagen hatte ich die Gelegenheit, endlich mal wieder mit ein paar befreundeten Gleichgesinnten zum Fotografieren loszuziehen. Es wurde eine sehr entspannte und interessante Tagestour in Richtung tschechische Grenze, wo wir 2 Lost Places besuchen durften. LP üben ja auf viele eine besondere Faszination aus, sind sie oftmals nicht nur ein Fenster in die Vergangenheit, sondern führen auch deutlich unsere Vergänglichkeit vor Augen. +=> Fotos der Lost Place Tour in Arzberg + +### 2021-07-31 CB-Funk +Um das hier ein bisschen aufgeräumt zu lassen hab ich für den CB-Funk ein eigenes Log aus der Taufe gehoben: +=> cbfunk/log.gmi CB-Funk Log + +### 2021-07-16 dezentrale Kommunikation (Fediverse Cross-Post) +Mir fällt - mal wieder - auf, dass wir eigentlich keine leicht zugänglichen, echt dezentral funktierenden Kommunikationsmittel für (zumindest regionale) Echtzeitkommunikation mehr haben. Oder übersehe ich was? Alles was breitflächig im Einsatz ist hängt von zentraler Infrastruktur ab (Mobilfunk, Telefon, Messenger). +In meiner Jugend hatte der Amateurfunk und CB-Funk eine erkleckliche Verbreitung, aber da fällt die Teilnehmerzahl seit Jahren. +Eine andere Übertragungsart außer Funk fällt mir auch grad gar nicht ein, die das leisten kann. Würde der (digitale) Behördenfunk echt dezentral funktionieren (ehrliche Frage, kenne die Implementierung nicht)? Wobei Behördenfunk das Kriterium "leicht zugänglich" nicht erfüllt. + +Ich finde das irgendwie nicht soo gut... + +### 2021-07-13 Dinge erledigen +Ich habs lange aus verschiedenen Gründen vor mir her geschoben, aber vor ein paar Tagen hab ich mich dann doch mal an GUS/ rangesetzt und nach Lösungen für die aktuellen Herausforderungen gesucht. Diesmal gingen mir die Anpassungen leicht von der Hand, manchmal muss man wohl einfach den richtigen Zeitpunkt abwarten. +Mit dem aktuellen Ergebnis bin ich recht zufrieden, die weitere Pflege und das Aktuell Halten des Indexes dürfte nun etwas leichter von der Hand gehen. + +### 2021-06-17 Urlaub +1 Woche Auszeit im bayrischen Wald liegen hinter uns, leider waren 5 der 7 Tage mit teils heftigen Unwettern ausgestattet. Unsere Ausflüge in die Natur haben wir deshalb meist auf den Vormittag beschränken müssen, weil es pünktlich zur Mittagszeit ungemütlich wurde. +Nachdem Freenode ja nun endgültig Geschichte ist und ich mich grad nicht dazu durchringen kann, mich bei einem der Ausweichnetzwerke zu registrieren, werde ich es jetzt einfach mal mit Matrix probieren. +Der Milan betreibt neben einigen anderen Diensten auch einen Matrix-Server auf +=> Dienste von + +### 2021-05-21 langes Wochenende +Ich hab das lange Wochenende noch etwas weiter verlängert, hab das Gefühl das ist im Moment auch dringend nötig. + +### 2021-05-14 +Nachdem nun wieder halbwegs aktuell ist kann ich auch wieder beruhigt schlafen. :) + +### 2021-04-04 nix halbes, nix ganzes +Es fällt mir gerade schwer, mich so richtig auf ein Projekt zu konzentrieren. Ich mach überall ein bisschen was, aber bekomme irgendwie nix fertig. Größere Aufgaben fang ich gar nicht erst an - da fehlt mir im Moment die Motiviation/Konzentration. Das wirkt sich leider auch auf diese Kapsel aus: +* Text zu "Arbeit in Teilzeit" - begonnen, dann war ich mit der Gliederung unzufrieden, jetzt liegts rum +* Text zu "Überwachungskamera mit einem Raspi" - begonnen, es müssen technische Details hinterlegt werden, liegt jetzt rum +Wenigstens läuft nun einigermaßen zuverlässig. +Nicht hilfreich war in jedem Fall, dass ich über ein Archiv mit alten DOS-Spielen gestolpert bin und nun immer wieder in Erinnerungen an die Zeiten vor über 25 Jahren schwelge. Das erste "Microprose Grand Prix" ist echt erstaunlich gut gealtert. Macht immer noch richtig Laune. + +### 2021-03-19 2 Wochen Urlaub +2 Wochen Auszeit vom Beruf, mehr oder weniger 2 Wochen handwerkliche Tätigkeiten am Haus und im Garten. Jetzt bräuchte ich eigentlich Urlaub vom Urlaub. Als "Schreibtischtäter" ist man so viel körperliche Arbeit einfach nicht gewohnt. ;) +Wenn ab Montag wieder die geistige Arbeit Einzug hält komme ich hoffentlich auch wieder in die richtige "Stimmung", um ein paar Verbesserungen an cgmnlm und GUS vorzunehmen, die mir im Kopf rumschwirren. + +### 2021-03-15 auf gehts +Jetzt auch mit einer deutschsprachigen Sektion meiner Kapsel. +Inhaltlich ist im englischen Bereich mehr zu finden, gerade alles rund um meine Software (für Gemini oder anderes) wird auch nur dort bleiben. +Der Plan ist, hier eher längere Texte bereit zu stellen, bei denen ich aktuell keinen Nerv habe die in Englisch zu verfassen. + +=> index.gmi [Startseite] diff --git a/en/archive.gmi b/en/archive.gmi @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ -# shortlog archive @ - -## 2022 -### 2022-05-16 -I'm running now for more than a year, most time it was the only search provider for gemini. I'm very happy that we have at least one other search provider with -=> gemini:// search provider for gemini -I'm currently not sure how long i can keep up in the future. It mostly works quite well, but sometimes the maintenance is a burden. - -On a side note i finally sold my Raspi 8G - getting more bucks for it than i initially paid for it. Although it was nice to tinker with it, it never served any purpose than tinkering and that is not what i expect from such a gem. I don't like having stuff laying around simply for having it, it should have a use case (such as my other RPis). - -### 2022-04-24 -I've been running a Teracube 2e for a few weeks now and i'm pretty pleased with it. The battery lasts for several days, something that most phones can't do nowadays. There are some small glitches on the software side, but nothing that is a show stopper. -=> Teracube 2e information @ /e/ shop - -### 2022-04-05 retro feelings -A few days ago i came across "Motorsport Manager", a PC Game released in 2016. I was curious and purchased the game and it's a bummer. I immediately felt like more than 20 years ago, when a pal and i played "Team F1" (called "Pole Position" in Germany) by Ascon (later called Ascoron before going bankrupt) a lot. -Motorsport Manager is pretty much Team F1 in a more modern shape. It even has the 2D view of the race simulation - you really don't need fancy 3d graphics to get the immersion of a race day. -Feeling like a teenager again... :) - -### 2022-03-14 Raspi and Arch -I finally got around to tinker around with Arch on my Raspi 4 8GB. It seems that this will make a pretty capable small desktop replacement, especially if on SSD is attached. :) -Well see if everything that i need for my daily driver will run. - -### 2022-02-19 cgmnlm 1.3 -cgmnlm release 1.3 has been flagged. It brings two 2 minor bugfixes and allows for custom bookmarks titles. - -### 2022-02-06 capsule cert rotation -=> gemini:// Gonz Metamatters on key rotation -I've been in the situation with a few days ago that the cert has been expired. I as well wanted to avoid trust warnings on clients and used the existing private key to create a new csr and cert, pretty much like its described on the page linked below. As far as i can tell it worked pretty straight forward and no one bothered me because of a cert warning. :) -=> TutorialsPoint WriteUp on certificate creation with OpenSSL - -### 2022-01-16 Samsung Galaxy S9 + /e/ OS -Anyone out the using a Samsung Galaxy S9 (non-plus) with /e/ OS - also called Murena. If so i'm heavily interested in hearing about your experience so far. Please reach out to me - contect information below. -=> Galaxy S9 information @ - -### 2022-01-13 gaming -I may have registered for a Steam Deck finally... - -### 2022-01-08 new year, old shit -The new year started like to old ended. I'm currently feeling pretty exhausted mentally, additionally a cold hit my wife and me for the last days. -=> So i did only some small maintenance of some of my projects. -I'd like to mention cgmnlm release 1.2 with a new command to search for backlinks to the current page. - -=> archive_2021.gmi shortlog archive 2021 - -=> index.gmi [home] diff --git a/en/archive_2021.gmi b/en/archive_2021.gmi @@ -1,195 +0,0 @@ -# shortlog archive @ - -## 2021 -### 2021-12-24 christmas -Not much happened in the last days - much todo @work due to log4j everywhere. In my spare time i made some small contributions to 'astro', a gemini terminal client written shell script. It's usage is pretty similar to cgmnlm, which i find very appealing. -=> astro - gemini web browser using shell script - -### 2021-12-03 pass on Android -Today has been a good day. :) I learnt that there is "Password Store", a pass-compatible app for Android. I'm using pass, the password manager for your terminal, for some time now but still rely on KeepassXC/DX for things that i need on my phone as well. This has now ended. -=> Password Store @ F-Droid -I will move to pass completely. - -### 2021-11-23 Cinnamon all over -I'm quite happy with Cinnamon - so happy that it has already landed on my desktop PC and my wife's laptop will soon also be equipped with it. - -=> pass: the standard unix password manager - -### 2021-11-30 vim vs micro -A few days ago a fellow geminaut made me aware of micro: -=> A modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor -micro uses key bindings inspired by widely used GUI editors, so most people will be very familiar. This eases the onboarding a lot. -I tried it and it works quite well and is fast. But my fingers are very used to the typical vim shortcuts that i had a hard time to get going. Finally i decided to stick with vim and just tune some shortcuts and plugins. So atleast the test of micro helped my to realize what parts of my current vim setup started to anoy me so i could fix them. - -### 2021-11-23 Cinnamon all over -I'm quite happy with Cinnamon - so happy that it has already landed on my desktop PC and my wife's laptop will soon also be equipped with it. - -### 2021-11-19 reinstall -While messing around with the package manager some packages got borked, some tools didn't work anymore. So i decided to do a fresh install on my laptop. -Instead of sticking to my long-time companion Xfce i decided to give Cinnamon a try. I've used Mate for some time a while ago, but it felt a bit "outdated". Cinnamon looks pretty polished although it seems to occupy some more ressources then the old Xfce installation. My first impression is that it would be a suitable DE for migrate windows users to linux. -We'll see if this first good impressions survive a few days of daily use. - -### 2021-11-10 cgmnlm 1.1 -version 1.1 of cgmnlm has just been flagged, changes are: -* allow the use of ~ (tilde) in the path for downloads -* introduce -T param to automatically open files downloaded with the t command -* reduce connection timeout to 15 seconds -* fix bug in client certificate handling -=> cgmnlm.gmi tell me more about it - -### 2021-10-28 cgmnlm 1.0 -My colorized fork of gmni - cgmnlm - has just reached the 1.0 milestone. Nothing spectacular happened in the last weeks, but there were two small bugs left that i wanted to hunt down before flagging a release. -=> cgmnlm.gmi more infos about cgmnlm - -### 2021-10-14 gemini is almost complete -It's only a small step for gemini to replace the "common web" that there is also a capsule about Amiga software -=> gemini:// Karl's Amiga page - -### 2021-10-12 Smartphones vs real cameras -=> gemini:// Re: Solderpunk: Smartphones vs real cameras -For me, solderpunk completely hit the point in why using a "real" camera for taking photos is a completely different feeling than using a smartphone: A tool that is dedicated for taking photos vs a tool that is dedicated for carrying around and which tries to accomplish a vast variety of tasks. -The imersion a camera with a dedicated viewfinder can create leads to a hugely different approach on taking photos and leads to different results than the "point and click" style of smartphones. -Just give it a try - although you'll probably need to get familiar with the basic physical concepts of photography in the first place, the ones that usually some sort software in your phone tries to take care of. - -### 2021-09-12 going mechanical -In the recent days i was looking for a mechanical keyboard as i'm typing quite much especially at work, The downside is the there are almost no keyboards with mechanical switches that have a "ergonomic layout. -I'll decided to give the Matias Ergo Pro a try as it seems to be quite flexible in the setup. I'm typing this shortlog entry on this keyboard and although i've only used it for a few minutes it feels like it can become my daily driver. The position of the right ctrl key seems a bit awkward tough, it's placed left of the n key... -There are some special keys like single keys for cut, copy, paste and some media functions as well which seems to work out of the box with linux. This is a big pro. We'll see how the next days with go. - -### 2021-09-13 Re: Receiving a large file over the internet -=> gemini:// Olivier's Log: Receiving a large file over the internet -I've been in this situation a few months ago, a friend of me needed to drop a file of some gigs to me. We tried different things like my private nextcloud instance, but eventually failed with all the "fancy" approaches. In the end we set up a VPN connection between our homes and i fired up a simple ftp server. This was done in about 2 minutens with a short phone call. This would have been the fastest and most reliable way from the beginning. - -### 2021-09-12 going mechanical -In the recent days i was looking for a mechanical keyboard as i'm typing quite much especially at work, The downside is the there are almost no keyboards with mechanical switches that have a "ergonomic layout. -I'll decided to give the Matias Ergo Pro a try as it seems to be quite flexible in the setup. I'm typing this shortlog entry on this keyboard and although i've only used it for a few minutes it feels like it can become my daily driver. The position of the right ctrl key seems a bit awkward tough, it's placed left of the n key... -There are some special keys like single keys for cut, copy, paste and some media functions as well which seems to work out of the box with linux. This is a big pro. We'll see how the next days with go. - -### 2021-09-07 Debian Buster & motion -Our survaillance cam (to have a look at the dogs while we are away) was still running Debian Buster, so i did the upgrade to Debian Bullseye this morning. After that motion was not running anymore when started using the systemd unit. -I took me a while until i realized that Bullseye switched to a systemd unit for motion and you need to DISABLE the daemon mode in motion config. - -### 2021-08-27 one step back -I've switched to "PHP Server Monitor" a while back for monitoring my public services. While this was working quite well and included a public status page, it was a bit overkill and i needed to rent additional hosting for it. I now moved back to good ol' monit for monitoring. I have no need for a public status page at all, getting an alert when something goes down is enough for my use case. - -All machines that run some sort of Debian here (like does) are updated to Bullseye. The "dist-upgrade" was pretty straight forward and worked flawless. Right what you'd expect from Debian. :) - -### 2021-08-15 moving along -I'm quite happy how works after the recent updates. It seems stable and fast enough to handle ongoing growth of gemini in the next months. -This makes me comfortable investing more time in new timesink CB radio. It's quite a challenge as things have changed a lot since i quite some 20 years ago, but it's also fun to explore and learn in another area again. - -### stricter gemtext -=> gemini:// Re: ew0ks whishing for stricter gemtext -Having used Gemini and Gemtext for i few months, i mostly agree with the points taken by ew0k about stricter gemtext. Thi is surely backed by my habits to already follow some of his ideas. Especially the restriction to a single mandatory whitespace as delimiter would make life as a gemini dev easier. -I don't agree with the part of "stick to the first 3 chars" as this seems counter-intuitive to me from a user-perspective. - -### 2021-09-07 old computer challenge -=> gemini:// Solene has proposed an "old computer challenge" -This is somewhat appealing to me. I'm more and more annoyed by the increasing complexity of modern software, UI/UX changes just for the sake of it and "undocumented behaviour" (aka bugs). Things are breaking again and again. -I think it's a good idea to take a step back and think about what it was like a few years ago and if we can learn something from the way we've gone during this time. -Unfortunately i don't have any hardware that meets Solenes requirements, but i'll probably join with a stripped down VM running Haiku. - -=> gemini:// Additionally the source of cgmnlm is now available for browsing via gemini - -### 2021-07-03 cgmnlm usage update -cgmnlm saw 2 small updates recently which should make browsing capsules easier: -* the history page has now hints what needs to be typed to jump to this page -* as more capsules seems to skip the "home" link on pages, i've implemented the "u" command to move one path element up - -### 2021-06-02 codeberg -A few days ago i joined the codeberg non-profit org which runs the gitea-based codeberg software forge. -Although i still run my own gitea instance, i think it's a great opportunity help a community-driven alternative to the big players and allow other people host their software repos. -=> Codeberg - -### 2021-05-08 transit and stuff -=> gemini:// transit has seen some additions, check out these interesting capsules - -No big news on other storys currently. For the moment I decided to stay with my team at the job. At home we are quite busy with gardening - the previous owners didn't spend much time in keeping the garden in a good shape so we need to put some effort into it to catch up. -Besides that i'm looking forward to get out and visit some new places on the motorcycle. - -### 2021-04-09 tmux, job, ... -After several attempts over the last years which all failed i finally managed to get familiar with tmux. A heavily modified binding config inspired by vim helped a lot. tmux is now a daily driver for me - finally. -Did some checks on the motorcycles to have them ready for a ride as soon as springs returns to my part of europe. Due to some other duties that are more present during spring and summer updates related to my various projects may slow down a bit. Additionally im currently thinking about switching to another team in my company - after for 4 years with my current team there's a feeling of "something new might be good". However no decision taken yet. - -### 2021-03-26 alt text in cgmnlm -cgmnlm now features a new 'a' command that toggles the display of preformatted text or the associated alt text (if available). - -### 2021-03-15 deutsche Sektion & cgmnlm -I finally started a german section of my capsule, you'll find the link above. There's currently no usefull content, not sure what will be there in the future, but i don't intend it to be a simple mirror of the english stuff. - -cgmnlm finally made the switch to BearSSL like upstream did a few days ago. The AUR package is updated to match this change. - -### 2021-03-12 ideas - but nothing ready for publishing -For some time now i've been thinking about adding a german section to my capsule. Writing longer texts in english is currently somewhat exhausting for me - on the other side i could use some more exercise in writing english. - -I'd like to use gmnifaq to build a personal faq selection of some tech stuff i rarely need but need to search for when i eventually need it. gmnifaq - although missing a admin section - is ready for doing such things (including full-text-search). I just need to set down and get it done. - -There have been some posts from geminauts who are working part-time on their day job: -=> gemini:// -=> gemini:// -I've gone part-time a few months ago and i want to second the proposals: if you can afford it and don't define yourself by your job, go part-time and use the newly reached free time for yourself. in the proposed german section of this capsule I may eventually write some more info what changed for me. - -### 2021-03-09 cgmnlm news -cgmnlm now supports direct searching in geminispace, obviously using :-D - -I'm currently not sure if i follow the upstream change to BearSSL. I gonna keep track of the discussions on the mailinglist. For the time being cgmnlm will stick to OpenSSL. -=> BearSSL - a smaller SSL/TLS library - -### 2021-03-06 "smart"phone -I was looking for a new "smart"phone to replace my Galaxy A3. There's actually no compact (like the aging A3) phone available that has reasonable more power than my old phone. I ended up buying a new microSD and will keep using the A3. - -In an attempt to workaround the GUS issue mentioned in the 2021-02-26 update i messed up the current index. 🙄 Reindexing is ongoing but will take some hours. Nevertheless i hope the workaround will do... - -### 2021-02-26 short glimpse of spring -The last days felt very much like its spring already. My wife and i started to do some gardening here and there. We moved to our new house mid November and it's still much to do to make the yard match our needs. - -For gmnifaq[1] i started to work with full text search in SQLite. I need to do some more investigation, but i think it can be a good replacement for the unmaintained whoosh which is currently used by GUS. This would probably solve the problem of index updates blocking the search function. -=> gemini:// [1] demo page for gmnifaq - -### 2021-02-17 life is going on -Still busy with various maintenance tasks around and GUS. At least index updates happen regularly but it's still some manual effort from time to time which needs to be ironed out. - -I started migrating from my Intel-based home server to a Raspberry Pi 4 based setup. It's a quite comfortable situation cause both can run simultaneously and i migrate one service a time as i have time. - -After some really cold days with lots of snow it seems like spring is coming to my part of the world way too early. -Although i'm really looking forward to jump on my motorcycle for a ride i kinda miss "real winter" feeling as it was like 20 years ago. - -### 2021-02-08 GUS & Raspi -The last days i've spent to most spare time learning more about GUS and in improving the robustness of the crawl and index process. A robust process is essential for unattended execution. - -I'm thinking about moving my home server to a Raspberry Pi based setup. Some decisions need to be made for special use cases, but most stuff will suite well to a Raspi. -The write-up about a Raspi-based surveillance cam is still pending...i'd rather mess around with some code instead of writing boring documentation. :) - -### 2021-02-01 has been announced to the mailing list yesterday, making it somewhat official. -I'll have some small patches pending for GUS and cgmnlm - i really enjoy the ease of hacking for gemini. - -There's one of these hype "awesome" type lists for gemini as well, iv'e added a link to the section below. - -### 2021-01-26 new search in town -I'm happy to announce that, a new search provider in geminispace is now available for public testing -=> gemini:// - is based on the great GUS by Natalie Pendragon. -Feel free to try out and reach back to me if you'll find glitches. - -### 2021-01-24 cgmnlm publishing -There's an ArchLinux AUR package for cgmnln, but for any other system you currently need to build for yourself. Not sure if i should provide prebuilt packages for one or another system, e.g. the raspberry Pi OS, Debian and so? Drop me a message what you think about it. - -### 2021-01-13 you already guessed it -Moved my code to my own gitea instance which now runs on my home server -=> - -### 2021-01-09 raspberry fun -The raspi arrived yesterday and was up to serve my use case in less than 2 hours. I'd expected it to be much more hassel to set things up (ok, i'm a long time linux user with quite some knowledge...) -Gonna write some more lines about what i wanted to achieve and what i did. - -### 2021-01-05 cgmnlm -i've created a fork of gmni (or to be more precise gmnlm) which i call *cgmnlm* as it adds colored formatting to the gemtext special lines -=> cgmnlm.gmi cgmnlm what? - -After quite some time thinking about getting a raspi (or similar) for tinkering i finally ordered one. should arive soon, first use case is to set up a surveillance cam for the dogs. I'll keep you updated how it goes. - -=> archive_2020.gmi shortlog archive 2020 - -=> index.gmi [home] diff --git a/en/index.gmi b/en/index.gmi @@ -3,24 +3,14 @@ Welcome to the english section of my gemini capsule! You'll mostly find tech and coding related stuff here. -=> gemini:// Hier entlang zur deutschsprachigen Sektion. - -## 🗩 shortlog (latest 3 updates) -### 2022-07-24 self-hosting or no self-hosting -This capsule is currently served from a RPi4 - and it is the last service that this pi hosts. So i eventually want to get rid of this thing. -Currently the idea is to do some restructure und use the hosting services of for this static capsule. -=> gemini:// -I still need to figure out what to do with transit that i surely want to keep running. May i have a good idea in the next days. - -### 2022-06-03 -I'm running a Gitea instance for my own use for a while now, but i may eventually get rid of it. It seems a bit overengineered for simply hosting a few git repos. I barely have use for any of the "advanced" features. My code is (besides here on gemini) now also available for viewing on a static site (powered by 'stagit'). -=> static git repo page on - -### 2022-05-28 cgmnlm 1.4 -I tagged cgmnlm 1.4 today, the most notable additions are: -* set the terminal title to the current URI -* d command now accepts [N] to download a link (thanks to Sebastiano Tronto) -=> ./cgmnlm.gmi more information about cgmnlm +=> gemini:// Hier entlang zur deutschsprachigen Sektion. + +## 🗩 log +=> shortlog.gmi + +=> shortlog_2021.gmi +=> shortlog_2020.gmi + => archive.gmi shortlog archive diff --git a/en/shortlog.gmi b/en/shortlog.gmi @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +# shortlog archive @ + +## 2022 +### 2022-07-24 self-hosting or no self-hosting +This capsule is currently served from a RPi4 - and it is the last service that this pi hosts. So i eventually want to get rid of this thing. +Currently the idea is to do some restructure und use the hosting services of for this static capsule. +=> gemini:// +I still need to figure out what to do with transit that i surely want to keep running. May i have a good idea in the next days. + +### 2022-06-03 +I'm running a Gitea instance for my own use for a while now, but i may eventually get rid of it. It seems a bit overengineered for simply hosting a few git repos. I barely have use for any of the "advanced" features. My code is (besides here on gemini) now also available for viewing on a static site (powered by 'stagit'). +=> static git repo page on + +### 2022-05-28 cgmnlm 1.4 +I tagged cgmnlm 1.4 today, the most notable additions are: +* set the terminal title to the current URI +* d command now accepts [N] to download a link (thanks to Sebastiano Tronto) +=> ./cgmnlm.gmi more information about cgmnlm +### 2022-05-16 +I'm running now for more than a year, most time it was the only search provider for gemini. I'm very happy that we have at least one other search provider with +=> gemini:// search provider for gemini +I'm currently not sure how long i can keep up in the future. It mostly works quite well, but sometimes the maintenance is a burden. + +On a side note i finally sold my Raspi 8G - getting more bucks for it than i initially paid for it. Although it was nice to tinker with it, it never served any purpose than tinkering and that is not what i expect from such a gem. I don't like having stuff laying around simply for having it, it should have a use case (such as my other RPis). + +### 2022-04-24 +I've been running a Teracube 2e for a few weeks now and i'm pretty pleased with it. The battery lasts for several days, something that most phones can't do nowadays. There are some small glitches on the software side, but nothing that is a show stopper. +=> Teracube 2e information @ /e/ shop + +### 2022-04-05 retro feelings +A few days ago i came across "Motorsport Manager", a PC Game released in 2016. I was curious and purchased the game and it's a bummer. I immediately felt like more than 20 years ago, when a pal and i played "Team F1" (called "Pole Position" in Germany) by Ascon (later called Ascoron before going bankrupt) a lot. +Motorsport Manager is pretty much Team F1 in a more modern shape. It even has the 2D view of the race simulation - you really don't need fancy 3d graphics to get the immersion of a race day. +Feeling like a teenager again... :) + +### 2022-03-14 Raspi and Arch +I finally got around to tinker around with Arch on my Raspi 4 8GB. It seems that this will make a pretty capable small desktop replacement, especially if on SSD is attached. :) +Well see if everything that i need for my daily driver will run. + +### 2022-02-19 cgmnlm 1.3 +cgmnlm release 1.3 has been flagged. It brings two 2 minor bugfixes and allows for custom bookmarks titles. + +### 2022-02-06 capsule cert rotation +=> gemini:// Gonz Metamatters on key rotation +I've been in the situation with a few days ago that the cert has been expired. I as well wanted to avoid trust warnings on clients and used the existing private key to create a new csr and cert, pretty much like its described on the page linked below. As far as i can tell it worked pretty straight forward and no one bothered me because of a cert warning. :) +=> TutorialsPoint WriteUp on certificate creation with OpenSSL + +### 2022-01-16 Samsung Galaxy S9 + /e/ OS +Anyone out the using a Samsung Galaxy S9 (non-plus) with /e/ OS - also called Murena. If so i'm heavily interested in hearing about your experience so far. Please reach out to me - contect information below. +=> Galaxy S9 information @ + +### 2022-01-13 gaming +I may have registered for a Steam Deck finally... + +### 2022-01-08 new year, old shit +The new year started like to old ended. I'm currently feeling pretty exhausted mentally, additionally a cold hit my wife and me for the last days. +=> So i did only some small maintenance of some of my projects. +I'd like to mention cgmnlm release 1.2 with a new command to search for backlinks to the current page. + +=> index.gmi [home] diff --git a/en/archive_2020.gmi b/en/shortlog_2020.gmi diff --git a/en/shortlog_2021.gmi b/en/shortlog_2021.gmi @@ -0,0 +1,193 @@ +# shortlog archive @ + +## 2021 +### 2021-12-24 christmas +Not much happened in the last days - much todo @work due to log4j everywhere. In my spare time i made some small contributions to 'astro', a gemini terminal client written shell script. It's usage is pretty similar to cgmnlm, which i find very appealing. +=> astro - gemini web browser using shell script + +### 2021-12-03 pass on Android +Today has been a good day. :) I learnt that there is "Password Store", a pass-compatible app for Android. I'm using pass, the password manager for your terminal, for some time now but still rely on KeepassXC/DX for things that i need on my phone as well. This has now ended. +=> Password Store @ F-Droid +I will move to pass completely. + +### 2021-11-23 Cinnamon all over +I'm quite happy with Cinnamon - so happy that it has already landed on my desktop PC and my wife's laptop will soon also be equipped with it. + +=> pass: the standard unix password manager + +### 2021-11-30 vim vs micro +A few days ago a fellow geminaut made me aware of micro: +=> A modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor +micro uses key bindings inspired by widely used GUI editors, so most people will be very familiar. This eases the onboarding a lot. +I tried it and it works quite well and is fast. But my fingers are very used to the typical vim shortcuts that i had a hard time to get going. Finally i decided to stick with vim and just tune some shortcuts and plugins. So atleast the test of micro helped my to realize what parts of my current vim setup started to anoy me so i could fix them. + +### 2021-11-23 Cinnamon all over +I'm quite happy with Cinnamon - so happy that it has already landed on my desktop PC and my wife's laptop will soon also be equipped with it. + +### 2021-11-19 reinstall +While messing around with the package manager some packages got borked, some tools didn't work anymore. So i decided to do a fresh install on my laptop. +Instead of sticking to my long-time companion Xfce i decided to give Cinnamon a try. I've used Mate for some time a while ago, but it felt a bit "outdated". Cinnamon looks pretty polished although it seems to occupy some more ressources then the old Xfce installation. My first impression is that it would be a suitable DE for migrate windows users to linux. +We'll see if this first good impressions survive a few days of daily use. + +### 2021-11-10 cgmnlm 1.1 +version 1.1 of cgmnlm has just been flagged, changes are: +* allow the use of ~ (tilde) in the path for downloads +* introduce -T param to automatically open files downloaded with the t command +* reduce connection timeout to 15 seconds +* fix bug in client certificate handling +=> cgmnlm.gmi tell me more about it + +### 2021-10-28 cgmnlm 1.0 +My colorized fork of gmni - cgmnlm - has just reached the 1.0 milestone. Nothing spectacular happened in the last weeks, but there were two small bugs left that i wanted to hunt down before flagging a release. +=> cgmnlm.gmi more infos about cgmnlm + +### 2021-10-14 gemini is almost complete +It's only a small step for gemini to replace the "common web" that there is also a capsule about Amiga software +=> gemini:// Karl's Amiga page + +### 2021-10-12 Smartphones vs real cameras +=> gemini:// Re: Solderpunk: Smartphones vs real cameras +For me, solderpunk completely hit the point in why using a "real" camera for taking photos is a completely different feeling than using a smartphone: A tool that is dedicated for taking photos vs a tool that is dedicated for carrying around and which tries to accomplish a vast variety of tasks. +The imersion a camera with a dedicated viewfinder can create leads to a hugely different approach on taking photos and leads to different results than the "point and click" style of smartphones. +Just give it a try - although you'll probably need to get familiar with the basic physical concepts of photography in the first place, the ones that usually some sort software in your phone tries to take care of. + +### 2021-09-12 going mechanical +In the recent days i was looking for a mechanical keyboard as i'm typing quite much especially at work, The downside is the there are almost no keyboards with mechanical switches that have a "ergonomic layout. +I'll decided to give the Matias Ergo Pro a try as it seems to be quite flexible in the setup. I'm typing this shortlog entry on this keyboard and although i've only used it for a few minutes it feels like it can become my daily driver. The position of the right ctrl key seems a bit awkward tough, it's placed left of the n key... +There are some special keys like single keys for cut, copy, paste and some media functions as well which seems to work out of the box with linux. This is a big pro. We'll see how the next days with go. + +### 2021-09-13 Re: Receiving a large file over the internet +=> gemini:// Olivier's Log: Receiving a large file over the internet +I've been in this situation a few months ago, a friend of me needed to drop a file of some gigs to me. We tried different things like my private nextcloud instance, but eventually failed with all the "fancy" approaches. In the end we set up a VPN connection between our homes and i fired up a simple ftp server. This was done in about 2 minutens with a short phone call. This would have been the fastest and most reliable way from the beginning. + +### 2021-09-12 going mechanical +In the recent days i was looking for a mechanical keyboard as i'm typing quite much especially at work, The downside is the there are almost no keyboards with mechanical switches that have a "ergonomic layout. +I'll decided to give the Matias Ergo Pro a try as it seems to be quite flexible in the setup. I'm typing this shortlog entry on this keyboard and although i've only used it for a few minutes it feels like it can become my daily driver. The position of the right ctrl key seems a bit awkward tough, it's placed left of the n key... +There are some special keys like single keys for cut, copy, paste and some media functions as well which seems to work out of the box with linux. This is a big pro. We'll see how the next days with go. + +### 2021-09-07 Debian Buster & motion +Our survaillance cam (to have a look at the dogs while we are away) was still running Debian Buster, so i did the upgrade to Debian Bullseye this morning. After that motion was not running anymore when started using the systemd unit. +I took me a while until i realized that Bullseye switched to a systemd unit for motion and you need to DISABLE the daemon mode in motion config. + +### 2021-08-27 one step back +I've switched to "PHP Server Monitor" a while back for monitoring my public services. While this was working quite well and included a public status page, it was a bit overkill and i needed to rent additional hosting for it. I now moved back to good ol' monit for monitoring. I have no need for a public status page at all, getting an alert when something goes down is enough for my use case. + +All machines that run some sort of Debian here (like does) are updated to Bullseye. The "dist-upgrade" was pretty straight forward and worked flawless. Right what you'd expect from Debian. :) + +### 2021-08-15 moving along +I'm quite happy how works after the recent updates. It seems stable and fast enough to handle ongoing growth of gemini in the next months. +This makes me comfortable investing more time in new timesink CB radio. It's quite a challenge as things have changed a lot since i quite some 20 years ago, but it's also fun to explore and learn in another area again. + +### stricter gemtext +=> gemini:// Re: ew0ks whishing for stricter gemtext +Having used Gemini and Gemtext for i few months, i mostly agree with the points taken by ew0k about stricter gemtext. Thi is surely backed by my habits to already follow some of his ideas. Especially the restriction to a single mandatory whitespace as delimiter would make life as a gemini dev easier. +I don't agree with the part of "stick to the first 3 chars" as this seems counter-intuitive to me from a user-perspective. + +### 2021-09-07 old computer challenge +=> gemini:// Solene has proposed an "old computer challenge" +This is somewhat appealing to me. I'm more and more annoyed by the increasing complexity of modern software, UI/UX changes just for the sake of it and "undocumented behaviour" (aka bugs). Things are breaking again and again. +I think it's a good idea to take a step back and think about what it was like a few years ago and if we can learn something from the way we've gone during this time. +Unfortunately i don't have any hardware that meets Solenes requirements, but i'll probably join with a stripped down VM running Haiku. + +=> gemini:// Additionally the source of cgmnlm is now available for browsing via gemini + +### 2021-07-03 cgmnlm usage update +cgmnlm saw 2 small updates recently which should make browsing capsules easier: +* the history page has now hints what needs to be typed to jump to this page +* as more capsules seems to skip the "home" link on pages, i've implemented the "u" command to move one path element up + +### 2021-06-02 codeberg +A few days ago i joined the codeberg non-profit org which runs the gitea-based codeberg software forge. +Although i still run my own gitea instance, i think it's a great opportunity help a community-driven alternative to the big players and allow other people host their software repos. +=> Codeberg + +### 2021-05-08 transit and stuff +=> gemini:// transit has seen some additions, check out these interesting capsules + +No big news on other storys currently. For the moment I decided to stay with my team at the job. At home we are quite busy with gardening - the previous owners didn't spend much time in keeping the garden in a good shape so we need to put some effort into it to catch up. +Besides that i'm looking forward to get out and visit some new places on the motorcycle. + +### 2021-04-09 tmux, job, ... +After several attempts over the last years which all failed i finally managed to get familiar with tmux. A heavily modified binding config inspired by vim helped a lot. tmux is now a daily driver for me - finally. +Did some checks on the motorcycles to have them ready for a ride as soon as springs returns to my part of europe. Due to some other duties that are more present during spring and summer updates related to my various projects may slow down a bit. Additionally im currently thinking about switching to another team in my company - after for 4 years with my current team there's a feeling of "something new might be good". However no decision taken yet. + +### 2021-03-26 alt text in cgmnlm +cgmnlm now features a new 'a' command that toggles the display of preformatted text or the associated alt text (if available). + +### 2021-03-15 deutsche Sektion & cgmnlm +I finally started a german section of my capsule, you'll find the link above. There's currently no usefull content, not sure what will be there in the future, but i don't intend it to be a simple mirror of the english stuff. + +cgmnlm finally made the switch to BearSSL like upstream did a few days ago. The AUR package is updated to match this change. + +### 2021-03-12 ideas - but nothing ready for publishing +For some time now i've been thinking about adding a german section to my capsule. Writing longer texts in english is currently somewhat exhausting for me - on the other side i could use some more exercise in writing english. + +I'd like to use gmnifaq to build a personal faq selection of some tech stuff i rarely need but need to search for when i eventually need it. gmnifaq - although missing a admin section - is ready for doing such things (including full-text-search). I just need to set down and get it done. + +There have been some posts from geminauts who are working part-time on their day job: +=> gemini:// +=> gemini:// +I've gone part-time a few months ago and i want to second the proposals: if you can afford it and don't define yourself by your job, go part-time and use the newly reached free time for yourself. in the proposed german section of this capsule I may eventually write some more info what changed for me. + +### 2021-03-09 cgmnlm news +cgmnlm now supports direct searching in geminispace, obviously using :-D + +I'm currently not sure if i follow the upstream change to BearSSL. I gonna keep track of the discussions on the mailinglist. For the time being cgmnlm will stick to OpenSSL. +=> BearSSL - a smaller SSL/TLS library + +### 2021-03-06 "smart"phone +I was looking for a new "smart"phone to replace my Galaxy A3. There's actually no compact (like the aging A3) phone available that has reasonable more power than my old phone. I ended up buying a new microSD and will keep using the A3. + +In an attempt to workaround the GUS issue mentioned in the 2021-02-26 update i messed up the current index. 🙄 Reindexing is ongoing but will take some hours. Nevertheless i hope the workaround will do... + +### 2021-02-26 short glimpse of spring +The last days felt very much like its spring already. My wife and i started to do some gardening here and there. We moved to our new house mid November and it's still much to do to make the yard match our needs. + +For gmnifaq[1] i started to work with full text search in SQLite. I need to do some more investigation, but i think it can be a good replacement for the unmaintained whoosh which is currently used by GUS. This would probably solve the problem of index updates blocking the search function. +=> gemini:// [1] demo page for gmnifaq + +### 2021-02-17 life is going on +Still busy with various maintenance tasks around and GUS. At least index updates happen regularly but it's still some manual effort from time to time which needs to be ironed out. + +I started migrating from my Intel-based home server to a Raspberry Pi 4 based setup. It's a quite comfortable situation cause both can run simultaneously and i migrate one service a time as i have time. + +After some really cold days with lots of snow it seems like spring is coming to my part of the world way too early. +Although i'm really looking forward to jump on my motorcycle for a ride i kinda miss "real winter" feeling as it was like 20 years ago. + +### 2021-02-08 GUS & Raspi +The last days i've spent to most spare time learning more about GUS and in improving the robustness of the crawl and index process. A robust process is essential for unattended execution. + +I'm thinking about moving my home server to a Raspberry Pi based setup. Some decisions need to be made for special use cases, but most stuff will suite well to a Raspi. +The write-up about a Raspi-based surveillance cam is still pending...i'd rather mess around with some code instead of writing boring documentation. :) + +### 2021-02-01 has been announced to the mailing list yesterday, making it somewhat official. +I'll have some small patches pending for GUS and cgmnlm - i really enjoy the ease of hacking for gemini. + +There's one of these hype "awesome" type lists for gemini as well, iv'e added a link to the section below. + +### 2021-01-26 new search in town +I'm happy to announce that, a new search provider in geminispace is now available for public testing +=> gemini:// + is based on the great GUS by Natalie Pendragon. +Feel free to try out and reach back to me if you'll find glitches. + +### 2021-01-24 cgmnlm publishing +There's an ArchLinux AUR package for cgmnln, but for any other system you currently need to build for yourself. Not sure if i should provide prebuilt packages for one or another system, e.g. the raspberry Pi OS, Debian and so? Drop me a message what you think about it. + +### 2021-01-13 you already guessed it +Moved my code to my own gitea instance which now runs on my home server +=> + +### 2021-01-09 raspberry fun +The raspi arrived yesterday and was up to serve my use case in less than 2 hours. I'd expected it to be much more hassel to set things up (ok, i'm a long time linux user with quite some knowledge...) +Gonna write some more lines about what i wanted to achieve and what i did. + +### 2021-01-05 cgmnlm +i've created a fork of gmni (or to be more precise gmnlm) which i call *cgmnlm* as it adds colored formatting to the gemtext special lines +=> cgmnlm.gmi cgmnlm what? + +After quite some time thinking about getting a raspi (or similar) for tinkering i finally ordered one. should arive soon, first use case is to set up a surveillance cam for the dogs. I'll keep you updated how it goes. + +=> index.gmi [home] diff --git a/index.gmi b/index.gmi @@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ Welcome to my capsule / Willkommen in meiner Kapsel! I'm hosting slightly different content in english and german. Please make your choice: Meine Kapsel steht in englisch und deutsch mit leicht unterschiedlichem Inhalt zur Verfügung: -=> gemini:// english / englisch -=> gemini:// german / deutsch +=> gemini:// english / englisch +=> gemini:// german / deutsch ## gemini search is a public search provider for Gemini @@ -14,8 +14,3 @@ - eine öffentliche Suchmaschine für Gemini - ist mein Beitrag => gemini:// -## Transit -"Transit" is my personal feed aggregator with interesting stuff in geminispace: -"Transit" is meine persönliche Zusammenstellung von interessanten Kapseln: - -=> transit/ Transit diff --git a/ b/ @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -echo "git cgmnlm" -../gmnigit -perms -refs -name cgmnlm -dist ~/source/ -repo ../cgmnlm/ -url git:// -echo "git org" -../gmnigit -perms -refs -name orrg -dist ~/source/ -repo ../orrg/ -url git:// -echo "git gmnifaq" -../gmnigit -perms -refs -name gmnifaq -dist ~/source/ -repo ../gmnifaq/ -url git:// -echo "git gusmobile" -../gmnigit -perms -refs -name -dist ~/source/ -repo ../gusmobile/ -url git:// -echo "git geminispace" -../gmnigit -perms -refs -name -dist ~/source/ -repo ../ -url git:// -echo "git photo-stats" -../gmnigit -perms -refs -name photo-stats -dist ~/source/ -repo ../photo-stats/ -url git:// -echo "gemini" -rsync --recursive * pi@